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This all felt oh so familiar, as if déjá vu.

Jimin blanked out for a second or two after getting draged out by his mum's men, as soon as he got back to his senses he realised he was outside his house. He immediately went against his mother, he was old enaugh to deside what he can and can't do.

"Stay away from h...."

"No" Jimin cut his mum off with a slight tint of disapointment in his eyes.

"What did you just say..."

She answered in disbalief but before Jimin could respond she draged him into his room and locked the door, Jimin blinked before banging on the door with all the strength he had.
"Why can't you just be like him!! You look so similar but your nothing like your father"

"That's because im not him" Jimin stared harshly as he hit the door phrame one last time, only to looked up at the door with a empty expression.

"Mum i need Namjoon! What if im never going to see him again!!!" Jimin shouted as he bit his peachy plump lips harshly.

"He is going to die sooner or later so what's the point"

Jimin froze, if he said that about his father he would have had a gun pressed to his head. How could his mother even say such things? Was she even human?
Her words sunk in deep, maybe it was the last time he was going to see him. Maybe all those memories were going to disapear.

But even if those memories gave Jimin nightmares he still wanted to keep every single bit of it, he couldn't leave Namjoon alone. Not now, not ever.

Jimin realised he had less time than he thought.

Hours past and Jimin didn't move an inch until he suddenly heard the lock turn which made him instantly sit up and there to his surprise stood Hoseok.

Hoseok chucked a helmet at Jimin with a empty expression as he huried Jimin slightly.

"You have to say goodbye"

Hoseok mumbled in a understanding manner as he replied causing Jimin to frown, he didn't want to say goodbye.

Not now, not ever.

"I will talk to him one last time, and he will be there next time i come back"


"Hoseok i know it" Jimin interupted Hoseok who shook his head.

"Im afraid this might be the last" Hoseok stated as they arrived at their destination but this unlike last time wasn't Namjoon's house nor the hispital.

This place was old and eerie, the atmosphere was suffocating even Him.
It was a graveyard.

Why did Hoseom take him here?

Hoseok sighed and took Jimin's hand while leading him to a little church at the side of the grave yard.

Jimin blinked a couple times in confusion.


Mafia pt 2 ♤Jimin X Yoongi♧Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin