3.) "BLM"

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The next day

"It seems that we have lost another one of our own due to police brutality. Witnesses says the young man, who's name we will receive later on this afternoon, was trying to sell CDs when an officer approached the scene. Another witness said the man was trying to explain what he was doing, but the officer wasn't trying t-."

Turning the tv off, I ran my hands down my face. It's like they really got off by doing this evil shit.

"Lord we need a change." I spoke to myself as I answered my phone seeing it was our lawyer. "It's handled." She spoke, "Stop by whenever to get da rest of your money, appreciate ya." I told her before hanging up.

I was never one to stay on the phone long unless it was for Dasani or G them and I barely spoke to him or Shantelle long.

We knew what we meant in just a few short words.

Standing up from the sofa, I looked towards the cut seeing Sani dressed. "You're going ta work?" I asked, I knew I just wanted her to speak to me.

"Yeah.. were you hungry? I have thirty minutes to spare." She replied, nodding she headed into the kitchen and I followed her getting lost in her movements.

"What did you want?" She asked holding the fridge open, I didn't even realize it.

"Simple shit.. eggs, your famous French toast, grits and hopefully a kiss." I said mumbling the last part.

Looking my way she squinted at me, damn did I miss her. "What was the last part?" She asked, debating on if it was too soon or not I waved it off.

"Just talking shit." I lied, not saying anything she gathered what she needed and I stood out her way and just watched her.

She was focused but it looked as if she had other things on her mind.. I wish she didn't shut me out.

"Thank you." I acknowledged once she gave me my plate, "You're welcome." She stated then walked back into the kitchen to clean up.

"I got it, get ta work ma." I told her, looking at me then back at the dishes she bit her lip as if she was thinking on it.

"I got it." I repeated, washing her hands, I shook my head and began eating as the news began to play in my head.

"See you later." She said and before I could say bye she kissed me.. I knew she heard me.

"Have a good day ma." I said a little more happier, waving she grabbed her keys and phone then left out.

Getting up to throw the food away, since I already ate. I just wanted to be in her presence. I got up early and got some Popeye's.

I hid the bag of course.

I began to wash the dishes and said a small prayer to myself.

We really needed a change.

At work

"Knock knock" Jason joked as he peeked inside my office. "Good morning." I greeted focusing back on my work.

"I didn't even see you come in.. how are you?" He asked welcoming himself in. "Fine.." I replied as I began keying in the first paperwork for an client of mine.

"I'm good thanks for asking." He replied sarcastically, flashing a fake smile his way he winked at me.

"I know what you had to go through, but I don't think you should beat yourself up." He said standing up.

Deciding not to say anything cuz I'll get angry and end up crying, I went back to my work. "Smile Sani.. that's all I wanna see from you honestly."

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