Chapter 2

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Even when it's rainy all you ever do is shine.



The week went in a blur and for some reason I wanted the weekend to pass as slow as possible.

Edward told me to reach his house by 11:30 A.M. as he mentioned it's his "place of solace" and helps him concentrate, cheesy if you ask me.

But that meant waking up earlier than anyone would want to on a weekend, and I personally hated the idea of giving up my sleep.

I took a last look at the clock which said 11:15.

Edward's house is 10 minutes away from mine that means I should get going.

As I made my way to the door, I got a text from Wren,

Wren: Hey! What time will you be ready? I'm picking both of you.

Wren was back that day when I was told to tutor Edward. But I didn't talk with her a lot, due to the occupied mind I was zoning out every minute. She said that she wanted to spend some time with us and said that we could meet at the weekend. I forgot to tell her about the plan and now I'm dreading telling her the truth.

Me: I'm sorry I can't come. I have some work to do but I promise I would come later

Wren: Okay, but I am disappointed and would like some compensation.

Me: Okay! I promise I won't bail out on you again.

After replying I made my way to my car with a smile on my face.

I reached his house in no time and to my surprise his house was not exactly a house. To call that place a house should be crime. It was a FREAKING palace. He lived in a palace.

I ring the buzzer to his palace and the gates to the driveway opened.

There was a chauffeur waiting for the car to arrive and as I reached the end of the driveway the chauffeur opened the door for me and asked for my car keys.

I gave him the keys feeling a bit embarrassed about my old Chevy Impala and their parking area was filled with BMWs and Audi all around.

As I reached the main door of his palace the door was already open and one of the maids guided me towards the place where Edward might be- or so I assume- to his room.

"He is in his room, this way please," the maid said somehow reading my thoughts, while we walked up the stairs

After entering his room, I saw him ready with his books scattered on his bed and probably waiting for me to arrive.

"Hi! I was waiting for you." He said as I walked in his room and towards him.

"I can see that." I chuckled and looked towards the scattered books.

"So, let's start" and then we started from the start of the first chapter and made our way up the syllabus.

After the study part was over, I gave him the paper that included all the question about what we studied today.

"So now try and do these questions and tell me if you find any difficulty. Okay?" I asked. He nodded and started doing the paper.

Till he did the work I scrolled through my Instagram occasionally making facial expressions on the new gossip. I was surprised to see a post by Wren there practically calling me out for bailing her in the caption and I just sat there with wide eyes, until my train of thoughts were broken.

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