Chapter 44

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Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.


It's been 11 days since I last talked to Asher and every hour feels like a year. I yearn to be in his embrace again. To be able to feel his lips against mine. To be able to feel the security of his arms again. Every day seems to be a little more difficult to deal with, even if it's not been whole two weeks yet. Every second I just wish to run towards him.

School has not been easy to deal with and some of my teachers are really worried about my performance, which is another sword hanging over my head.

It has not been easy on the girls, either, but they try to hide their pain as best as they can. Blake is a whole new person now. He has not asked me to make a choice, instead, he talked it out with Chris and they agreed that he deserves a little break from all the revelations and that he needs a little time to see if he can continue this further.

I really wish that Amber and Wren could think of it a little bit like Blake. Although, I know how they can't because Blake already knew about werewolves a long time ago and their actions are justified.

Right now, I'm sitting in biology alone and just thinking of all the times that I shared with Asher in this particular bench while the teacher went on about a topic I'm pretty sure I was supposed to finish 2 days ago. See? This is what this 'break up' has done to me!

"Ava!" The teacher called out, pulling me out of my daydream with a jerk.

"Uh yeah?" I asked, suddenly being brought back to reality.

"Where is your assignment?" He asked.

Assignment? What assignment? WE HAD AN ASSIGNMENT!?

I stared at him wide eyed.

"Well...?" He trailed off.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't have it." I replied with my head hung low and my voice barely above a whisper. By this time, I have noticed that every pair of eyes in the class was on me.

"I would like you to stay after the class." He said, and just so ironically the bell rang and everyone spilled out into the hallway within a moment while I made my way to the front of the class.

"Yes, sir?" I murmured.

"Ava, today was the last day to submit your assignment." He said, worriedly and honestly, at this moment I would've been worried for me too.

Huh, really? I had no idea.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Walker but I promise it won't happen again, ever." I plead pathetically.

"This is not like you, Ava. You have us all worried in the moment. Is there anything you'd like to talk about? You know that I'm here if you face any problem." He smiled at me, sympathetically but I just couldn't make myself to return the gesture.

"It's nothing, honestly. Is there anything I can do to get credits?" There is no point in ruining my career, the least I can do is try to make something right for me.

"Yes actually. There is an exhibition which two of the school students have go to and submit a report. Now I know what you may think, that this is supposed to be something to do with English, but it's actually a science exhibition and the report is required for the school newspaper. The science department agreed to make me in charge of the students who will visit there. So, if you want to get credits, you can go there." He said and I just stood there thinking. "Now, I don't need an answer now but I expect you to respond by the end of the week and after that you can take more details from me if you want to go. I personally think that this could be beneficial for you because it would look good on your college application. So just think about it and let me know, ok?"

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