Chapter 15

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A person who irritates you always
Is the one who loves you the most
But fails to express it.


Sigh. One thing that is now more of a part in my life than even my brain. Now is one of those sighing moments, wanna guess why? Well think of it this way, the boy you like is sitting beside you, concentrating on the task at hand, you sit beside him admiring his slightly tensed posture with your knees accidentally brushing time and again. And now comes the devil, the girl who hates you is sitting in front of you both, wearing ever so exposing clothes that hardly cover her feminine parts and clinging to the boy of your interest.

Well, if you can imagine such a situation, then you know exactly how I feel. Me admiring Edward's slightly tensed posture, with our knees accidentally coming in contact and Lauren trying to cling at Edward. The only thing that is holding me sane is the fact that Edward is trying his best to brush her off, and I am glade he is or else I know some moves which can make the make-up caked on her face be insufficient to cover the bruises I may give.

Now as for the situation in front of us, we are sitting amongst our groups assigned by the psychology teacher and discussing the project. We have to find someone who is suffering from any psychological disorder, ADHD, Depression, Stress, Anxiety etc. And have an interview with them regarding their state and cheer them up while finding out how they deal with their days of difficulty.

It seems rather easy if we won't have to deal with certain someone, who won't stop jumping on the boy who is not even interested.

"It won't be hard." Edward said suddenly, "I know a lady. Her husband died due to cancer, she is rather old but depressed due to the fact that she wasn't financially strong to support her husband. It is the best choice and she knows me very well. We can talk to her."

"That is amazing. We are due in next two weeks, so we have enough time to enquire her about this, but-" I paused a thought suddenly coming to my mind, "Would she be able to talk about it? Old wounds and all?"

"She might be a bit, but it's been years now, she is rather happy to discuss about her husband to someone." Edward suggested then out if nowhere, Lauren spoke up.

"That's an excellent idea, baby. We both should go and talk to her." Oh, how I would love to pull those teeth out one by one.

I was about to reply to her but Edward beat me to it, "Yeah that's a good idea." He suggested. Was he really taking her offer to go with her instead of me? I could see the smirk on her lips, but Edward's next words slapped the smirk off her face, "You and I should go and talk to her Sugar. She will be delighted to see you."

Now I was the one smirking, "That's a good idea. So, it's settled then, we will go to her house on Monday after school, if that is alright with you, of course."

"Yeah, it's totally fine with me but why not tomorrow? It's Saturday, right? We can go." He asked, definitely trying to know my plans. How do I know? I have a feeling.

"I'm sorry tomorrow I can't. I have some plans but if you want to go tomorrow you can go with Lauren." I said to see his reaction and looking at the face scowling at me. But his next words made me smile in victory.

"Oh, I almost forgot, even I have some plans for tomorrow. We will go on Monday then, just you and me."

"Maybe I will tag along too, so that I don't feel left out of the project." Lauren finally said, desperate for attention, but Edward was not having any of it.

"Oh no it's best if you don't come. She has a lot of cats to keep her company and they are only fond of me. I remember the first time I went there, those cats scratched my arms. It took me months to get rid of all the scratches. I am just thinking the best for you." He said, fakeness dripping off his tone like drool. You actually have to be deaf to not hear the false concern in his voice. But being the lovestruck puppy she is, she seemed oblivious to that fact.

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