Chapter 23

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You never know how strong you are,
Until being strong is the only
Choice you have.


I have never been in such an awkward situation ever in my life. Embarrassing? Yes. Awkward? No.

There in front of me sits the three boys to whom I have to apologize.

The moment I left with Edward I realized one thing. My best friends are not going to be in any danger if these three boys will be by their side at all times.

All through the fourth period, I only thought about what the boys said and how I will apologize to them and now here they are, waiting in the cafeteria, waiting for their partners to arrive while holding a sad expression.

I just can't help but feel guilty as I am the reason of their sadness and thought of apologizing to them.

I told Edward how I really wanted to say sorry and now here he is standing by my side as I look at the three of them.

They straightened their posture as they saw me coming and avoided eye contact. I sat on my chair with Edward sliding in his next to mine.

"Um... I-I just wa-wanted to say that I'm sorry." I stuttered, nervousness clear in my voice. Their heads snapped in my direction as they took in what I said.

Ryder started to speak but I didn't let him.

"Look I know I was harsh on you guys and said things I shouldn't have, but that is something I have been through. It's hard to accept it. If you were in my place you would've understood it, but I don't blame you. From my past experience, I have learnt that humans are a weak kind and not compatible for werewolves. And humans being weak are always rejected. I thought that rejected humans can't have a werewolf as their mate again. But now I definitely know that you guys won't let anything bad happen to my friends. But still I want you to know that if anyone of them ever came crying to me or even one strand of hair went missing from their heads, I will personally kill you with a silver knife." I completed all of it in one breath and doubted if they even understood any of it. But the looks of happiness gave away my fear.

"You really will bring a silver knife?" Asked an amused Ryder. They did hear me. That's good.

"And kill you with it." I said, completing the sentence.

"Well... Then I promise nothing will happen to anyone of them." Ryder said. I looked at Chris and Adam for conformation and they and they just nodded their head, enthusiastically.

"Promise?" I asked all three of them.

"Promise." Chris said.

"Who promised what?" Amber asked while sliding next to a now happy Ryder.

"Nothing. Chris just promised me a packet of skittles for stealing my best friend next week." I said, coming up with the only excuse I can think of.

The three boys looked at me with amusement. Enjoying how nervous I was.

"A packet of skittles? That's all I'm worth to you?" Blake asked, sounding hurt. But I knew better than to fall for his fake actions.

"Yes. That's just advance by the way. I can't be bought with only a packet of skittles." I said. "Which reminds me. You both-" I said pointing towards Amber and Wren "-promised me 2 jars of Nutella. I haven't received one yet."

They just smiled and pulled out something from there bag. I squealed in happiness when they both gave me the jars. I snatched it from them and put it in my own bag.

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