Chapter 46

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And that was the moment
The moment I realised
That we aren't friends anymore.
We're just two people who talk sometimes.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.


Third person's POV

There comes a time in everyone's life when they start a phase where the people from the past just never wish to understand what is to come and what is more important.

The kids here are no mere seniors in high school, they have decisions to make that is beyond them. Decisions that can harm or save many lives.

Ava was standing at that threshold. At this moment she finally had to make a choice which won't have a loophole, which won't give her a way to twist things around. She didn't want to. Didn't want to choose between her present and her future.

As Amber and Ava stared into each other's eyes with completely different emotions, the former with betrayal and hatred and the latter with guilt, Asher stood on the side, observing all of it.

He knew how much her friends meant to her, god knows would he dismember every bone in a person's body if anyone ever tried to lay a hand on his pack, and here he was thinking about the bond between mere humans.

One of the things that always amazed Asher was the bond that was formed between humans. They come from completely different scenarios and background but the moment they get to know each other, they form this relationship between themselves which revolves around trust.

As the Alpha of a pack, this bond was created out of respect, fear and a sire bond amongst the pack members but such thing is never observed in humans and that amazed him from the start.

"I can't believe you. I knew something was up with you, I just thought you were our friend." Amber seethed out, although filled with rage she tried to sound calm.

But the thing is that all of them knew that it was Amber all along who pushed the idea of a choice, Wren was ready to move on, and there was this one last light in her heart that was ready to be with Adam but Amber made sure to silence that whisper before it got out in the open.

And that always remained a secret for Wren to hold within herself, never letting anyone know what she actually wants.

Lucas, her ex-boyfriend, made sure that she won't be able to trust any other guy. Because his intentions weren't friendly that led to the thought that every guy is like that and that was all the excuse Amber needed to get her against one of her best friends.

And that has occurred in Ava's mind more than once, and finally she acted upon it and let all of her rage and anger out in the open.

"Your friend? You've got to be kidding me! If I was your 'friend' as you put it, then you wouldn't have made me choose! Right now, even you don't know what you feel and I have been through it! Do you have any idea what it's like to see your soul being ripped out of your body while you're there doing nothing because YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

"You are one heartless person you know! Don't you think I know how you manipulated Wren into being on your side? I know you and I know what goes inside your head! You don't want to be alone in this and that's why you are ready to manipulate the shit out of your "friends" so that they stay with you." Ava heaved out. And finally, the truth was out in the open, Amber took a step back, startled by her friend's reply.

Deep down, she knew all of it was true but she was not ready to accept the fact that all of this was her fault. But that didn't stop Ava from going further on her rant.

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