Chapter 42

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A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth.


It was difficult to handle things when I got back. Although I left for home hoping to see Blake but he wasn't there. I, obviously, panicked and called Asher who, obviously, didn't pick up.

The girls are not answering, either and I'm just home (don't ask how I came back) sitting on my bed freaking out. It was never easy hiding a secret from my best friends but now that they know, it's all the more difficult.

Another stressful thing right now is that I skipped school and I have no idea what is the weekend assignment, meaning I'm a day behind in my school. Everything's out of control.

This hassle needs to be solved quickly or I'll lose the most important people in my life.

I just sat there staring at my phone when I heard the knock on the door. I skipped my way through the stairs hoping it would be Blake, Asher or the girls. Turns out it actually were my 2 best friends. They looked at me with the ever so serious expression and trust me when I say this that I have never seen Amber being serious about anything. It caught my nerves thinking that this was more of a big deal to them than it was for me.

"We need to talk." Amber said, letting herself in. I followed them in, fidgeting with my hands.

"Okay, what is it?" Seriously, Ava! That's the first thing you ask after your friends find out about their boyfriends being werewolves? Come on! You are better than this.

Wren snorted in reply, "you very well know what it is, Ava."

"Yeah. My mind– it's just in... a lot of places right now." I stuttered. God! What is wrong with me!

"Well, you have been our best friend for almost 4 years and we don't know for how long you've known about this–" Amber said by flailing her hands in the air to make a point.

"I have known since I started dating... um... A– Adrian." I replied, not sure how they'll handle the truth. I looked up at them in nervousness, seeing their eyes widening.

"You've known about this for so long! How come we didn't know about it?" Wren sounded angry, that's for sure. But I was not in a better place either, so to hell with anymore lies and secrets.

"Because I knew this is how you'd react! You know why I told Blake? Because I knew that he was the only one who would understand me and that if any danger came at least him knowing won't harm him in any case. Well, we now know how that turned out. I don't even know why he believed one word that came out of my mouth, but he did and he does. Look at how you guys reacted, you laughed at my face when I told you. You wanna know what happened when I told Blake? He laughed at me, too but when he heard the seriousness, he knew that I wasn't joking.

"But what kind of friends are you? Huh? You don't even know when I tell the truth or when I lie! Blake could hear it in my voice but you guys couldn't even see it in my face!" By now I am sure that tears were forming in my eyes.

I saw their expressions soften, too as Wren started to speak again, but I interrupted her.

"You don't think that I want you guys safe? You know what I did when I got to know that they were werewolves? I talked to them about leaving you because I know the kind of threat this world brings to a person. That is why Adrian left me in the first place. To protect me. I have always cared for you. But you know what made me convince that nothing is going to happen to you? The looks on their faces.

"Ryder got so angry at the thought of leaving you, that he almost shifted in front of me, in the middle of the library! And Adam? He couldn't even digest the thought of not being with you, Wren! Those guys love you so much!" I shouted this time. The tears in my eyes long forgotten.

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