Chapter 17

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Silly pictures and crazy times,
Sisters at heart and
Partners in crime.


"Okay, I am tired of this now. What is the problem with both of you? I've been here for the last one and a half hour and you both are not even glancing at each other." Amber noticed as for the past hour Wren and I have answered in mono-syllables and with sounds of conformation.

After the awkward moment Amber arrived - thank god - and started rambling about the things we didn't care about.

"Ask her." I said to Amber with the ever so bored expression.

"I know exactly how you felt when she saw you kissing Ryder." Wren said.

"You mean, you saw her kissing someone?" Amber said directing it to Wren.

"No, idiot. It's the other way round." I said.

"That means you saw her kissing Adam?" She asked again, this time to me.

"No shit Sherlock." I said through gritted teeth.

"It's not fair. You saw both of us making out with our boyfriends-"

"Which I am not at all proud of." I said cutting Wren in between but she continued speaking as if I didn't just say something.

"And yet you are still here with us, having no boyfriend in hand-"

"Which I am proud of." I cut her off but she again continued.

"So, it's only fair, if we catch you kissing Edward." She finally finished, and made me choke on air.

"Ed-Edward? Why him? Why not Cameron Dallas, or Chace Crawford?" I reasoned, "there are literally so many good options. Did you forget Harry Styles? And Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis. When people like Chris Evans exist out there, why would I want to settle for anything less?"

"Because you are never going to meet them, and it only makes sense if all the best friends date all the best friends. Blake is with Chris, Wren is with Adam and I am with Ryder. This will look good if you start dating Edward. Don't you think?" Amber said.

"No, it doesn't make sense. I am living a happy single life. I have to get married one day so that doesn't make any sense if I date right now or not." Also a fact which they are not willing to understand.

"Okay just answer this. Do you like Edward or even feel attracted towards him?" Wren was the one to ask this time.

"What?" I shrieked in horror.

"It's just a simple question. Are you or are you not attracted towards him?" Amber interjected

"No?" Which is partly true. Who am I kidding? I obviously like him. But they don't need to know that.

"Was that a question or an answer?" Wren asked. Great, now they are taking turns.

"It was an answer?" I questioned again.

"Don't answer questions with questions. Yes or no?" Amber's turn.

I stayed silent this time, not knowing what to say.

I could feel the both of them smirking as I was contemplating my feelings. Sure, I admitted to myself that I like him, but admitting it to someone else is a hard thing. Even if they are your best friends and you trust them with everything.

"Okay let's play a game. It's called This or That." Amber suggested. I shrugged. I'll do anything to avoid the topic at hand.

"I'll start. You know the rules, you don't have time to think. Ava, let's start with you." I nodded in confirmation.

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