Chapter 13

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I am bad in Chemistry
But I can tell
What's the reaction when
You Smile.


"... And this is the last phase in the life of a unicellular organism."

"Have you ever thought of teaching as an option in the future?" Edward asked smiling whilst looking at me.

After apologizing and agreeing with the deal, Edward has been very careful of his actions. It's been two days since then and today he realized that we have a test coming up on Friday, so he asked for me to come at our spot near the waterfall.

I smiled at his statement and shook my head. "We have a deal to complete, and I am starving."

He smiled and started nodding like a child.

We made our way to the nearest cafe first to eat something and putting our growling stomach at ease from the last three hours of studying.

Joining the long line, I started thinking what I should get when an overwhelming amount of heat was emanating behind my back. Out of curiosity I turned around to see Edward looking at me with a smile on his face which made me blush.

In no time we were in front of the line and the guy behind the counter asked, "What can I get you this evening, beautiful?" He looked at me and I blushed under his gaze. I felt being pulled back and gazed down to see Edward's arm tightly wrapped around my waist as he gave the guy a deathly glare. If looks could kill this guy would've been buried six feet under by now.

He seemed oblivious to the fact that a guy was actually glaring daggers his way as his eyes remained constant on me. Edward spoke through gritted teeth. "I would like you to take your eyes off my girl." I looked at him shocked not because of his anger but because of those two simple words 'my girl'. As authoritative and scary it sounded, I couldn't help the butterflies that started fluttering in my stomach.

The guy whose name tag read 'John' seemed to not notice the remark sent his way as he ignored Edward and not once did his gaze leave me.

"Um... I'll just have a latte. Thank you." I said trying to cut through the awkward situation. I can eat when I get home, right?

"I'll have the same." Edward said to which John looked at him for the first time and noticed that I wasn't alone.

The John guy gave Edward a look that I cannot decipher and went inside to make our orders. He came back as quickly as he went and handed us our drinks. I noticed him passing me a tissue paper with something written on it.

While making our way to a booth I took a glance at the paper only to see that there were digits written on it and 'call me' at the side. Before I could even make out the digits, the tissue was snatched out of my hand by Edward, who pretended to wipe his clean mouth, and gave me the innocent look. I glared at him and said, "What was that for?"

"Oh this? I wanted to use a tissue and mine flew away. Hope you don't mind," he said sheepishly.

"Not this. What was with that over there? 'My girl' seriously?"

"Oh that. He was looking at you in a bad way so I thought what bad friend I would be if I let him flirt with you."

"Seriously? That's the best excuse you got?" He just shrugged and resumed drinking his coffee.

After finishing our drinks, we went to the nearest bookstore.

"Wait here till I go and choose that book. And it won't take long, I promise," he just nodded and pulled his phone out.

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