Chapter 21

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I am there waiting, watching
Keeping to the shadows.
But when you need me,
I'll step out of the shadows
And protect what's mine.


"Oh, my god! Baby I was so scared. You were not home when I came. I got so worried; you weren't answering your phone. Blake is also not home. When I called and asked him, he said you went to do some project. But when you didn't answer your phone, I got really worried." My mom cried to me the moment I reached home from Edward's house and pulled me into a soul crushing hug.

She must've been worried. I know my mother too well. If I wouldn't have entered the moment I did, she would have personally gone and asked every living person about me.

I love my mom, but sometimes she gets too worried for her own good.

"I'm so sorry, mom. I know how worried you might have been. I should've called you." I said rubbing my crying mom's back. "I just got so busy that I couldn't check my phone, and it was on silent, so I didn't hear it ring." Well, half-truth, but still. In my defense, my phone actually was on silent.

And I just can't tell my mother that I was in possession of the most powerful werewolf alive who claims that I am his soulmate and would not let me go because he was scared that I would run away.

Yeah right. No, I am not that stupid.

"Oh sweetie, I'm just glad you're okay. I saw Adrian today on my way back. And I thought of telling this to you, but when I didn't see you, I thought you already knew and got upset." My mom said after breaking the hug.

Yes, mom knows that Adrian was once my 'boyfriend'. And I am not going to make it any more complicated for her by telling her the whole truth. So no, she doesn't know about the werewolf kind. No, I am not planning to tell her.

"I know mom. I saw him at a party. It's alright." I told her trying to convince me more than her that he doesn't affect me anymore.

But who am I kidding? A blind could tell that he still affected me. And the day he says that he wants me back I will go rushing into his arms with little to less persuasion from him.

But I don't know about my feelings. I know that I still have something for Adrian in my heart, but my growing liking for Edward is making me doubt my feelings.

"I am gonna go have some rest. Call me when dinner's ready?" I said to my mom, who nodded enthusiastically in return with a big smile playing on her lips.

I couldn't help the smile on my lips, and kissed my mom, before going upstairs.

The moment I entered my room, I sprawled on my bed. A lot was going on in my mind right now. If the boys are dating all my friends, there can only be two reasons.

1) They are just playing around with them and are not serious about them.

2) They are all their mates.

I am really hoping for the former one. As rude as I may sound, I don't want any of them to end up in this life.

I know that they will be left heartbroken if it is the first one, but one day they will get over it. They will move on in their life. They will have a life where their worst fear will be if they will get a good job or not.

Wren has already gone through a lot with Lucas. I can't have her facing another such problem. Although I know Adam is a good guy, but the moment she will know about him, I don't know what she'll do.

Amber on the other hand is a different case. I can see the glint in her eyes when she talks about Ryder, or when she will meet him. Even if she doesn't know, I do. She is in love with Ryder. And although I don't know much about him, I can still tell that he would flip the whole world upside down if he even sees a scratch on her.

Blake is the one person I am most worried about. Even if we met in middle school, I still feel that we've known each other since forever. He is the most important person in my life just after my mom, and to see him heartbroken is not even on the list of the things I want to see last. He is the one with the most sensitive feelings. Even if he tries to hide them, he cannot hide from me. I always find out about it and it's never easy to get it out of him.

I remember once this guy cheated on him. It was the Christmas time some 5 years back and Blake's family came here to spend the holiday with us.

He was very quiet when he came, and the moment we were alone I asked him the reason and within seconds he was a crying mess. He slept in my room hugging me close to him while crying his heart out to me. I had to control my emotions to be strong for him and when he finally slept, I broke into silent sobs.

Chris is a wonderful person and the fact that Blake knows about Werewolves will affect him the most, because he was the one to hold me, listen to me when I cried to him about Adrian.

I need to do something before all my friends get into a mess they can't get out of. So, I do the only thing my mind could think of.

Picking up my phone, I called the person who I was trying to avoid all along.

"Hello?" He answered his phone, distractedly.

"We need to talk. We all do" I said and with that I cut the call.

The next morning, I walked into the school building to see them standing near my locker, I went up to them with a straight face.

"Library. Now." I said to the four of them.

The car ride with Blake is what I classify as the 'most awkward car ride' in the history of awkward car rides.

You could actually feel the tension in there. One could have cut it with a knife. Some things were there which he wanted to say, some things I did, but we kept quiet. He is being distant for some reason and I wanted to know what it was. But I had more important matters in hand right now.

I have a free period right now and so did Edward, because, you know, HE STOLE MY SCHEDULE!

I don't care if others had classes or not. This is more important.

Yes, by the others I meant Edward, Ryder, Chris and Adam. I need to make sure that nothing will happen to my friends. Anything to me, but nothing to them.

I lead the way to the library and I know they are following behind because of the heavy footsteps.

Suddenly an arm was wrapped around my waist. By the heat spreading in my body and the butterflies in my stomach I know it is Edward.

Although I like his touch, but I am terrified of him since yesterday. As calm and composed I was on the phone last night, or right now, I am freaking scared that any moment they think I am out of line, they won't think twice before ripping me to shreds.

We reached the library and giving the old librarian a genuine smile like usual I went in the fiction section of the library because of the table near the window, and it is the only place where I can keep calm while talking to them.

Like lost puppies all four of them followed me. The moment I reached there I turned around and looked them dead in the eyes.

I love my friends more than anything, and if they can't respect that then hell is about to break lose.

Hey readers!
Let's first cry on the topic in hand.

It's been 8 freaking years of One Direction and they are not together to celebrate it😭😭

I can't just show how much this is affecting me but all I can say is that I want them back together.

No, nothing else to say. Just gotta cry more before sleep. So yeah.

Ohh don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Thank you for all the patience.



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