Chapter 4

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A true friend scolds like a dad,

 cares like a mom, teases like a sister,

imitates like a brother, and finally, 

loves you more than a lover.



I don't know if I can do it or not. What if I act all foolish? But most Importantly how can I have feelings for a guy whom I've just known for a week? Those eyes, they are so captivating. There is something about him which is attracting me. Like he is a magnet and I'm helplessly being pulled towards him.

I need to think straight. I can't fall for any guy again, the last time I fell for someone I turned into someone else and did what I shouldn't have.

I grab my phone to inform him that I won't be able to come today. I need time to collect my thoughts, some time away from him. I guess it is better not to meet him today.

Me: Hi! I won't be able to come today. Something important came up. Maybe we can catch up on study after school or next week. I'm not sure of the schedule. Sorry.

Out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom to get ready. Today I will show Blake around. Might as well wear something good and my only friend who understands fashion is Amber Richardson which means I am going to bug her this early in the morning. As today is Sunday she will not wake up till 11:30 A.M. and right now it is 9:00 so she will be pissed as hell.

But I rang her up nonetheless, "Whoever you are, you might have a good reason to call me so early or I will make you regret the day when you were half egg and half sperm." She growled into the phone after taking forever to pick up.

Amber hates it when someone disturbs her sleep. And I being the annoying friend love to do so. But not when my life is at stake.

"Aren't you the ray of sunshine. It's me," I suppressed the laugh that was threatening to form and it came out as a light chuckle.

"Then you should have an even better reason to wake me up because you of all know how much I love my sleep." She said getting annoyed by now.

"Then I have the best reason to disturb you because you of all know I hate to get dressed up." I heard shuffling and I could hear her brain work.

Both Amber and Wren know that I hate to dress up and get ready to go out so whenever these occasions arrive, both of them are too hyped to play dress up with me.

"You have a date!?" She screamed into the phone, making me think I lost my sense of hearing.

"It's not a date. Blake's in town and I'm showing him around," I said after recovering my hearing.

She replied after some time, "I am not coming at your place because I am too lazy so just wear that crop top that you got last year and didn't wear once and the denim shorts that your mom bought for your birthday. I know you will kill the look," her words guided me through my closet which she knows better than me.

"Okay. Thanks, love you and sorry to wake you up." I apologized and kissed her through the phone.

"It's alright after all, the reason was worth waking up and in compensation I would like to meet Blake after hearing all the good things about him all these years. I swear at this point I started to think he was imaginary." Amber said.

"I will. He is starting school tomorrow and I am giving him a tour so I will go with him, you don't have to pick me up tomorrow."

"Okay. Have fun I would really like to resume my dream. Bye, Love you"

I chuckled, "Bye, love you too," I hung up and made my way to get a shower.

After walking out of the shower, I pulled out the outfit Amber told me to wear and put it on. She was right, I did look good, and to match the outfit I wore my black ankle length boots matching the color of my crop top and after grabbing my phone and bag with some money I went downstairs to see mom and Blake chit chatting while my mom made scrambled eggs.

Hearing me come down the stairs they turned their heads in my direction. I greeted them with my sweet smile.

"Wow honey! You look so good. I am happy to see you finally wore that top though." My mom said after giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"True baby girl. If I was straight, I would kneel down on both the knees and beg you to be my girlfriend. Too bad though, your bad luck." Blake exclaimed and I punched his shoulder as he pretended to be hurt.

"Well thank you guys. Now before the roads get crowded, I need to make sure that we reach the mall on time. So, Blake be fast, grab your shoes and keys we'll eat something on our way. All clear?" I asked as I made my way towards the front door.

"Aye aye captain!" Blake exclaimed and I couldn't help but laugh at his childishness.

I kissed my mom goodbye as our usual routine, Blake did the same and we made our way to his black Camaro. I love his car and one of the reasons he is my best friend is because he has a great taste in cars. I don't even know how he got it here from 3000 miles but I'm not complaining. Basically, because I know that his parents could definitely afford it. I can't afford these types of cars but hey, a person can always dream.

"Where are we going?" Blake asked as soon as we entered his car.

"First we will go to the mall. You need to change your sense of dressing to attend my school. If you refuse to my suggestion, then Amber will kill you before you even meet her," I told him which made him laugh really hard, because both him and I know that he could be a fashion designer and no one would say otherwise. But I know what Amber can be like and she would definitely kill him without hesitation.

As soon as I entered his car, I was hit by the smell of his cologne which was strong and comfortable. It didn't make me want to stop breathing or gag. When my body made contact with the comfortable leather, I felt like I was sitting on clouds. Blake laughed at my expression and started the engine which made the car roar to life.

Half way through the ride I got a call and as soon as I saw the caller ID, I knew that I was in great trouble and there was no way out of it.************************************

Hey readers!
Sorry for the late update I planned on updating it a while ago but the universe was not with me so I ended up breaking my phone's screen and had to wait to replace it. Well.... Wasn't it worth waiting. I know it wasn't but what can I say.

So here we are done with chapter 4. Hope you liked it. In the next chapters I would introduce you to the Boy squad and why Blake is there in the story, till then bear with me.

Ohh and don't forget to vote, comment and share. They will be a great source of encouragement.

Thank you all!



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