Chapter 48

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And suddenly,
All the love songs were about you.

Warning, mildly sexual content by the end of this chapter, if you feel uncomfortable, please stop reading. Hope you enjoy it.


It's the weekend, which means it's time for Blake's birthday. In about 2 hours it will be Saturday and I have checked that Blake is asleep.

I'm outside, waiting for the signal.

Came the text from Chris, I had asked him to come a little early to help mom and me set the living room birthday special way.

I went down, opening the door and letting him and Asher in, making sure they don't make any noise.

"Have you got everything?" I whispered to them. Instead of saying anything, they nodded and made their way towards the living room.

Instructing them on what is to go where, I shoved Asher out to get the cake from his car. He went out as silently as he came.

Adam and Ryder didn't come, they didn't do much of anything nowadays, or so I've heard. I know they are a little miserable but things with Wren are going good and tomorrow is the day they will get back together, hopefully.

Asher came back with the cake and placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch, carefully. He stood by my side as I went through the decorations one more time to make sure everything is in place. Mom did the same beside me, making sure that the candles were placed carefully around the cake making sure it doesn't cover the photo printed on it of me, Blake and Chris. We took this 2 days ago for this purpose only. Blake stood between me and Chris with Chris's head leaning on his shoulder and my hand clutching his, while he stood there smiling. This felt like a perfect moment, seeing he wasn't really close to the others and they wouldn't even have been interested if I would've tried to talk them into this.

Over our heads was written a quote that said, "Old enough to know better (I'm hoping)" with an 18 gracefully written below the quote.

"Time check," I asked Chris.

"11:58" he said and we made our way towards Blake's room as quietly as possible. He was knocked out. He must've been very tired to fall asleep at 10 today. Wonder what he did. "It's time," Chris said and we lit up the candle on a small cupcake that I baked for him, to start his birthday nicely and sweetly.

As we entered the room we started singing 'Happy Birthday' which made Blake wake up with a startle as he stared at us like we're aliens.

As our song came to an end and he realized what was happening and smiled that million-dollar smile of his that made me so happy that I couldn't stop myself from hugging him tight.

"Happy birthday handsome. It's finally here!" I said as he hugged me back with the same enthusiasm.

"Thank you so much, baby girl. You're the best." He said with a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Hey! That's my girlfriend. Keep your hands off." Came Asher's voice from behind who came up to Blake giving him a pat on his shoulder and wishing him.

Next was mom with the cupcake with a candle. He blew the candle and took a bite out of the cupcake, hugging my mom in the process. "Happy birthday, dear. You are the best thing that has happened to me after Ava. Love you." Mom said giving him a kiss on the cheek which made him and me tear up a bit.

"Oh gorgeous, you made me cry. Thank you so much." Blake replied with a cracked voice and noticed the lingering presence of Chris by the door. His smile seemed to have grown a thousand times brighter at his sight and suddenly it felt like they didn't know anyone else was even there in the room.

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