Chapter 20

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Sometimes, it takes a good fall
To really know where
You stand.


"When can I go?" I asked for a millionth time, but this time instead of staring at me, he actually averted his eyes and answered the question.

"When I am 1000% sure that you will come back to me."

"You could just say 'never' instead of giving me false hope." I snapped at him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked.

The truth is that I don't hate him, I like him, a lot. I like him more than I should like anyone. But the fear of getting hurt again is something that is holding me back from admitting it to him, me, or anyone else.

Only me and Blake know why I don't like his kind. Hate is a really strong word, and I don't hate him, or his kind. I simply don't like their way of living.

The truth is Blake is the only human I know, who knows about their kind. I don't even know why, but he believes every single word I say. It doesn't matter if it exists or not, he always believes me.

"I don't hate you. Hate is a strong word. I just don't like your species, unless it is fictional." I replied truthfully wording my thoughts.

"Okay then. Why don't you like my.... Species?" He asked making a face at the word 'species', like it was venom, not a word.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said. "Edward, it's been 2 hours since you have kept me, practically locked in your bedroom. Don't you think I must've gotten a little hungry?" I said trying to change the topic and hoping he would go out and I can get time to escape.

Yes, I did try the bathroom trick. He was standing right out the door. I locked the door, kept the water running, opened the window, but changed my mind when I saw the huge gap between the window and the ground. Even if I tried to jump, I would've broken a bone or two and again end up in his room, with the pack doctor instead of the hospital.

I have thought of everything, and this is the best I could come up with. But to my disappointment, instead of moving towards the door, he went to the bedside table which had his phone resting.

He called someone and talked for about 5 seconds and the next thing I know, there was a knock on the door and he went to attend it.

Yes, I did try to snatch his phone-as he took mine-and also succeeded but it had password and I couldn't guess it. Like I said I tried everything I could in the last 2 hours. Anything and everything the Gladers thought to escape the Maze, in The Maze Runner.

He came to the side of the bed where I was sitting and placed a tray in front of me, with the contents covered with a- whatever you call those fashionable thingies that rich people use to cover the food.

Removing the fashionable silver lid from the tray, the air was filled with the mouth-watering aroma of food.

It looked something like a fancy type of dish, but I couldn't tell what exactly it was and it looked delicious.

Don't get distracted by the food. You have a plan to work on. I told myself again and again in my head.

"Seriously? You just told your staff to bring food without even asking me what I want? Do you even know what I want to eat right now? I don't want any of these fancy dishes of yours, I want something a normal human would have for lunch." I stopped my rant when he started to go out of his room. I nearly started to dance in my place, but all my dreams came crashing down when he opened the door of his walk-in closet which is in the totally opposite direction of the door.

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