Chapter 16

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Friendship isn't a big thing,
It's a million little things.


Toni Mahfud as Adrian^

School was about to end and it was the last period, meaning biology test. More than me I am worried about Edward. I just hope he scores a B, the least, but he is quite intelligent and if he did score an A, I will not be surprised.

"Class, get seated. We are about to begin the test, and I have a surprise for you all." Mr. Walker said as he entered the class room. We all looked at him curiously as he stands there with a smile. "This test holds 20% of your finals, so perform your best."

The whole class groaned but I was rather happy. I did study well for the test and to hear that it is so important I can say that I am the happiest person alive at this moment.

The teacher started to pass out the papers. I faced Edward and showed him a thumbs up, and wishing him to do good. It's more like my exam than his, because I was the one who tutored him for this. He passed on the gesture to me and we started writing.

Half an hour later I was done, so I looked up. Everyone else was writing and some were passing on the chits that most probably had the answers to the questions. Then my gaze turned to Edward and saw him engrossed in his paper not leaving the pen for even one second. I felt proud of myself while looking at him.

Picking up my paper I went to Mr. Walker to hand it to him. He looked impressed and took the paper and asked me to wait on my seat till he checks the paper not having anything else to do.

I went back to my seat and saw Edward gazing through his paper, re-checking the answers. When he looked satisfied, he looked at me giving me his gorgeous smile and I smiled back. He went to the teacher to hand him the paper. The teacher looked shocked but took it, nonetheless and told him to wait.

After a while Mr. Walker came towards us and handed us the papers, while patting Edward on his back as a gesture of appreciation.

I looked at my paper to see an A+, as usual, and saw the grade on Edward's too. Guess what? He got an A+ too.

"Wow! Congrats!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Thank you for all your help, I never thought I would score anything other than a D." He said grinning widely.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to see your efforts flourish."

The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I waved a quick bye to Edward and made my way to Blake's car and waited for him to show up. He did take a lot of time to complete the test.

Reaching home, we spent the day choosing an outfit for him for the date. When we finally settled on something, it was already time for mom to arrive from work.

When she entered the house, she was looking exhausted, so we decided to order Chinese instead of cooking.

Soon after the food arrived and we settled ourselves on the table.

"Mom, how is work going? You look exhausted." I asked breaking through the silence.

"Oh I am. Parker enterprises are coming for a meeting on Monday. This is a really important deal so we have to make sure everything is perfect." She said, I didn't register anything but the first small phrase.

"Parker as in, Ryan Parker?" I asked hoping she will say no and say someone else.
"Yes sweetie. Ryan Parker. I really can't believe that he is a CEO of such a big company at such a young age." Mom continued but I didn't hear anything and looked at Blake, who was giving me the same, scared look.

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