| Chapter 4: He's nicer?|

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Your P.O.V

"Why didn't you say before that you never wanted to be the main vocalist?"

What? Did he hear our conversation earlier? I think he did....why else would he be asking me this? I'm still wrapped around the comfortable blanket, so I don't dare turn to look at Jungkook because I know that I'm too nervous. I look the the wall at the other side of the bed.

"Y/N, are you ignoring me?" I feel a hand grabbing onto my waist, fastly turning me around. I groan a little. "H-Hyung, I'm not ignoring you."

I try to turn again to continue to stare at the wall, but Jungkook stops me. "Y/N, I asked you a question."

Just tell him Y/N...Breathe... I inhale and exhale slowly, and unwrap myself from the blanket. I sit up, crossing my legs and Jungkook does the same.

"I never said that I wanted to become he main vocalist Jungkook hyung, why did you assume that?" I look at the white covers and blanket of the bed, not meeting his gaze.

He sighs and scratches the back of his head with his right hand. "Well....Namjoon hyung said that the boy who auditioned was really good and that he could become the main vocalist, because his singing skills were really perfect. So, I just assumed that you wanted to become the main vocalist since you were that good." I felt his gaze and I slowly looked up. Our eyes met and I tried to look away but I couldn't. Those dark brown eyes made me want to look at them forever, my heart is beating really fast. He broke the silence and he smiles.

"And why is the reason why you don't want to become the main vocalist?"

Jungkook's P.O.V

I already know the answer, I just need to confirm it for myself again. Earlier, I went to take a bath and I overheard his conversation with Namjoon hyung, Jimin hyung and Jin hyung. If that is the reason why he doesn't want to become the main vocalist, he should become more confident.

I don't want to have my title taken away without a competition, so maybe I'll help Y/N work on his confidence so that when he finally gains it, we will both compete for the title of BTS's main vocalist.

"I hate the spotlight...I would be too nervous to be the lead or main vocalist...I prefer the back."

He looks at me, and I keep my gaze on him, not blinking. I see determination in his eyes, he really wants to be in the back? How? Because of nerves? There must be another reason...No one wants to become a singer or dancer to just be in the back...

Author's P.O.V

Y/N and Jungkook keep staring at each other until Y/N suddenly sneezes. "A-Achoo!"

Her sneeze was low high pitched, almost too girly but in a very low voice at the end. "Wow, bless you." Jungkook started laughing. "What a sneeze, the only person I know that sneezes like that is Jimin...pff..." Jungkook continued laughing showing his bunny teeth while Y/N's cheeks were a little pink. She cursed at herself inside her head. 'I need to control my sneezes ugh...'

"Y/N..." Jungkook called out to her and she looked at him. She raised both of her eyebrows and he got up from the bed and went over to his bed. "Good night." Jungkook covered himself with his black blanket and turned looking the other way.

"And can you turn off the lights? Thank you dongsaeng~" He smiled as he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.

Y/N scoffed very low and shaked her head from side to side in a slightly annoyed way, but she couldn't help a small smile formed in her lips. She got up from the bed and went over to the light switch and turned it off, leaving the room in complete darkness. Luckily, she could still see a little.

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