|Chapter 20: Not now|

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A/N: Has the story been good so far? I'm debating whether I should end this story between three to five more chapters or add more drama. Feel free to comment.

Your P.O.V

"Me p-pregnant?" I look at Jin oppa in the eyes and my eyes begin to water.

"N-No...I can't be... I mean...not now." Tears spill from my eyes. "W-What...will I tell Jungkook....?" I look up at them.

They sit on the couch and hug me gently. "Jungkook's so busy right now, I can't bother him with this, nor you guys." I lean my shoulder on Jimin's.

"We have to be completly sure, let's go to a doctor." Jin suggests and I nod.

"I'll go alone, you oppas don't worry. I'll call you for the results."

"Kim Y/N, Don't you dare, I won't let you go alone to the doctor. I'm driving you there and back." Jin says in a very serious tone.

"I want to go too!" Jimin pats my back.

"I definetly have to be there, I may be tired but you are more important." Taehyung smiles.

"You don't have to oppas..." I mumble and Jin elbows my shoulder.

"Yah, I have to, you are my little sister. And besides, if you are pregnant that means I'll be an uncle!" He says exitedly.

"I'm going to buy Gucci clothes for my niece or nephew and I'm not taking no for an answer." Taehyung laughs.

"I will be the favorite uncle." Jimin giggles.

"No you won't! I will be the favorite uncle." Taehyung pouts.

"I think its too early to decide that." I smile lightly at their cuteness.

"Y/N, I have an extra face mask and cap in my car. Use that, let's go." Jin gets up from the couch and extends me his hand.

"Tae, grab a bottle of water from the fridge." Jin orders Taehyung and he nods.

Taehyung runs to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, he runs back and gives it to me. I drink half of the water and give the bottle back to him. "Thanks." I grab Jin's hand he pulls me up.

Jimin stretches and I grab my phone, put it inside the pocket of my jacket and we walk out of my apartment, with them helping me walk to the car.


"Kim Y/N" I look up from th chair I'm sitting in, Jimin holding my right hand, Jin my left hand and Taehyung leaning his head on Jimin's shoulders.

"That's me" I raise my hand and the black short haired nurse smiles. "Miss Y/N, follow me please, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.

We get up from the chairs and follow the nurse into a small room, she closes the doors and exits. I sit in one of the chairs and Jimin and Taehyung look around the room. "Don't touch that!" Jin widened his eyes at what Taehyung was about to touch.


"Isn't that what patients who can't pee properly, pee on?" Taehyung retracts his hands and I laugh.

The doors open revealing the doctor. He's tall, a middle aged man, he has light grey hair, dark brown eyes and a charming smile. "Hello I'm doctor Yoon. Nice to meet you." He bows and keeps smiling.

I bow lightly and so do Taehyung, Jin and Jimin. "Who's here for a check up?" The doctor Yoon looks between us and I raise my hand.


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