|Chapter 35: Meeting|

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Author's P.O.V

Jungkook is cooking when he recieves a call from Taehyung.

"Hey Tae, how's my Kookie Jr doing?" Jungkook keeps his smile as he stops cooking and turns the stove off so he can sit on the couch and talk to Taehyung.

"Kook, he's doing perfect, he already ate breakfast and right now, he's with Jimin, Jimin is bathing him."

"Okay, Y/N is still asleep so we'll probably pick him up in one or two hours." Jungkook sits on the couch, holding a pillow to his chest while speaking on the phone.

"I need your help Kook.... It's very serious" Taehyung's voice turns serious and Jungkook nods.

"What do you need help with Tae?" Jungkook focuses on Taehyung's words.


Your P.O.V

I woke up to an empty bed and sit up. "He's probably in the kitchen." I mumble and lift the covers so I can walk to the bathroom.

After doing my morning routine, I walk to the kitchen, smelling the delicious food called breakfast.

"Good Morning Jagiya!" Jungkook peaks his head out from the kitchen and I shake my head while grinning.

"Why are you suddenly calling me Jagiya?" I walk towards the counter.

"Because I like the sound of it, or do you prefer me calling you Babe?" He empathises every syllable with his english on the word Babe and I laugh at his cute pronunciation.

"I'll take that as a yes, I'll start calling you both from now on." He giggles as he passes me a plate filled with pancakes.

"I made them especially for you, I hope you like them. I didn't burn them this time though." We both laughed as we walked towards the dinner table, set the plates on the table, and started to eat.

"These pancakes are good Kookie!" I hum in delight as he smiles with his mouth full and he sticks out his chopsticks toward my face, with a piece of pancake in them.

"Ouwen..." He mumbles with his mouth full of food and I laugh as I open my mouth and giggle at his cuteness.

After we finish eating, I wash the dishes with his help and we head to our bedroom to change our clothes. I wore a white shirt, a dark red cardigan, light blue ripped jeans and a pair of dark red vans.

Jungkook wore a button yellow shirt that had long sleeves, blue tight jeans, and a pair of Louis Vuitton dark brown shoes, he was wearing clothes way too formal.

"Umm... Kookie, why are you wearing such expensive clothes?" I asked as I look the the pair of shoes he was wearing and he sighed.

"While you were sleeping, Bang PD Nim called, he wants us to go to a meeting after we pick Ji Jung." I tilt my head in confusion.

"Us? Is that including me?" I point at myself confused and he nods.

"Then, I should wear something more formal! Why didn't you tell me before?" I half shout as I run towards the closet and grab my dark blue Calvin Klein dress, my caramel colored coat and a pair of dark blue heels that aren't too high.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck apologetically and I nodded as I walked to the mirror to check if my outfit was presentable.

"Its okay..." I say as I miss a step and lose my balance.

"Ah!" I'm about to fall so I close my eyes to wait for the fall but instead, I'm met with my head hitting a warm muscular chest and my legs float in the air.

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