|Chapter 40: White|

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Author's P.O.V

"Can we move the wedding for November 1st?" Jungkook stood there looking at her surprised expression and watched how it slowly turned into a confused one.

"But...don't we need to finish pla-" She started but Jungkook cut her words.

"I finished planning it. All that's left is for you to try your dress" A warm smile formed on Y/N's lips as she heard Jungkook's sentence.

"Yes!" She leaned upwards to kiss him and he leaned forward, both of their eyes closed, and their lips touching in sync.

After a few weeks pass, the day November 1st arrived. BTS made it public that Y/N and Jungkook's wedding was that day, after making some decisions, Jungkook and Y/N decided for BigHit to show a clip of the wedding on VLive app, which ARMYs expected and couldn't wait.

Right now Jungkook was at the BTS dorm with the rest of the members. All of them were getting ready for the wedding. Ji Jung was with Y/N, Ba Seol, Jungkook's mother and Jimin's mother at Y/N's apartment.

"Jimin you look d-dashing....angel-like no devil-like.. I think I'm having an eyegasm ...oh my... I" Taehyung started fanning himself while staring at his boyfriend's body in a white dress shirt, black vest, and a pair of Testoni's.

Jimin's recently dyed dark brown hair for the occasion was combed to the left side of his forehead, exposing his milky white skin, his eyes painted with a little dark brown eye shadow and black eyeliner on top to make his eyes look slighty bigger, his big plump lips that were soon to be swollen by Taehyung were pink, and his pink flushed cheeks made Taehyung leave his mouth open and not take his eyes off of his boyfriend.

"T-Tae! Sto-Stop staring at me!" Jimin stuttered as he looked away from Taehyung and that made the younger male walk forward and connect his lips with his boyfriend's.

"Love birds not right now, as much as I want to kiss Joonie right now like you guys are kissing each other, I can't. You'll ruin the makeup now stop kissing!" Jin interrupted the couple's kiss by separating each other by the shoulder exactly how a mother scolds her kids when they fight.

Jin was wearing another black tuxedo but instead of wearing a white dress shirt like Jimin, he was wearing a baby pink dress shirt and a black tie, his shoes were a pair of black Aubercy Diamond. His dark brown dyed hair was combed to his right side and a slight natural eye shadow with eyeliner decorated his eyes.

"Jin hyung, did you see my bag?!"A half naked Jungkook ran past Taehyung and Jimin in search for his bag.

Jungkook was shirtless exposing his defined body, only wearing black Calvin Klein boxers and a pair of black socks. His hair was a mess and slightly wet, he had just finished taking a shower and was in search of his black Testoni's.

"Yah! Why aren't you ready?!" Jungkook kept looking around but couldn't find his bag, taking his time to answer Jin's question.

"I'm looking for my Testoni shoes! Aish!" Jungkook was getting frustrated and Jin sighed.

"All your clothes are in your bed. The shoes are the beside the couch in the living r-" Jin's words were interrupted by Jungkook running past him.

"This kid..." Jin shook his head and sighed.

"Yah! I told you to stop kissing!"

Your P.O.V

"Mrs. Jeon, I'm really sorry that earlier was the first time we met" I bowed my head apologetically at the elder woman that smiled as she shook her head.

"It's okay, Jungkook and you must have been really busy. Ji Jung is such a nice boy, I'm glad to have finally met my cute grandson. But please don't call me Mrs. Jeon, call me Eommoni or eomma" She played with Ji Jung on her lap as Ba Seol was working on my hair.

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