|Chapter 17: I love you|

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Your P.O.V

Finally...I'm going to get you back Jungkook.

I move my knees and Jimin lets go of my hands and we nod in unison. I look at the other membes and they are looking at me and Jungkook, I nod at them and move in front of Jungkook, I look down the whole time, controling my fastening heart.

"H-Hello J-Jungkook...ah." I stutter. Why did I stutter?!

"H-Hello. What's your name?" He motions me to give me the album and I give it to him. He just stuttered. He's always been so cute when he stutters.

Before he takes it, our hands touch. How much have I missed his touch...

"Do yo really want to know my name?" I ask him, raising my head and locking eyes with him. The cap doesn't let him see my eyes completely so I bring my hands to my head and take the cap off. I accomodate my hair and take the black mask off. I keep my eyes on him.

I hear gasps and squeals around us but I only pay attention to Jungkook. His eyes widen and his eyes get teary.

"Y-You! W-Weren't you the boy that was in th hospital when I woke up a year ago?"

"Yes and no. I was never a boy Jungkook."

"Argh...My head..." He holds his head lightly but he keeps his eyes on me.

"Jungkook ah, are you okay?!" I quickly extend my hands and touch his hands that are holding his head. Not one staff, nor the members move to help Jungkook, and the members look at me and him, with serious gazes.

"What's your name?!" He asks holding his head.

"You need to find out on your own."

He stops holding his head and looks better now, he grabs my hands and holds them tight.

"Why does this feel so familiar? Really..." He mumbles and I give him a sad smile.

"Because it is something we used to do."

"We?" He looks into my eyes and I nod.

"Please tell me your name." He leans forward and my heart races.


Jungkook's P.O.V

I keep looking into that girl's eyes. Her eyes are the most beautiful color I've seen, why does she make my heart race? I'm holding hands with her and I feel complete. Something I haven't felt since I woke up in the hospital one year ago.

I need to know her name. "Please tell me your name." Before I know it, my gaze is focused on her lips. Why do I want to taste them? Why am I feeling like this? I feel like I have done this before but when??

Why do I want to hug her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her? Wait...love? I love her? What? Jeon Jungkook, you can't just love her....

"You can't fall in love with me Jungkook. It will never work."

"Why won't it work? Please! We can try Y/N. I mean, I don't mind dating another man. I really have fallen for you! Me Jeon Jungkook, the ex Golden Maknae of BTS, the one who is always afraid of falling in love, I have fallen for you Y/N. Please, let's try... I really ...love you..."

What are these? Ugh...My head...Are these memories?

I let go of her hands and touch my head lightly again. Sweat starts forming in my body.

"I-I...f-fell for y-you too J-Jungkook...I l-love you too..." I lean in and kiss Y/N.

"Y-You're....a g-g-girl?"

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