| Chapter 5: A day full of games|

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Author's P.O.V

Y/N walked towards the living room and greeted the members, her now called family. "Good Morning..." She looked down and all the members answered. Jungkook and Jimin were sitting in the couch in the exact position they were before. Jungkook looked a little mad now, not as angry as he left her before.

All day, Y/N got to meet the members and they got along really well. Jungkook started being more nicer towards Y/N. They were having fun, they played UNO and in the last round Y/N went up against Jungkook and she won. They laughed at how Jungkook got eliminated. A few hours later, they started playing on the Wii, Mario Kart and Y/N lost a few times against Jungkook, making him laugh to himself at how bad she was at Mario Kart.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I've had so much fun today. I haven't had this fun in a while, Y/N is a really cool guy after all. Right now, we are playing Truth or Dare in the living room. We are all sitting in the floor making a circle with a bottle of water in he middle and Y/N is sitting across from me. I'm going to always choose Dare, its more fun that way.

Namjoon hyung spins the bottle and it continues to spin...and spin....and...it points towards Jimin and Y/N. Why Jimin??? ...Wait...did I just wanted for it to point at me and Y/N?

"Truth or Dare Y/N?" Jimin smiles while looking at Y/N. Ugh, why is he being such a flirt? Wait! Why the fuck am I being like this?

Author's P.O.V

Jimin keeps his gaze on Y/N, he smiles and she gulps. "Truth or Dare Y/N?" Jimin asks once again, not breaking eye contact.


"Is that a question or an answer?" Jimin tilts his head to his left and a small giggle leaves his mouth.


"Then...mjm...." Jimin rubbed his chin and brought his index finger to gently bite it thinking. "I'm just curious, if you were a girl which member would you date?"

'WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT??!! Calm down...Y/N calm down...breathe in...breathe out.....' Y/N was panicking, she didn't know what to answer.

She gulped and started to look at the member's faces. She suddenly stopped when she looked at Jungkook, he was staring at her. They made eye contact and he seemed to be doing something with his tongue inside his mouth that made Y/N stare at its movements. "So Jungkook huh?" Jimin laughed a little awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.

Jungkook's eyes opened big for a moment, but soon returned to normal. 'Why am I glad that he chose me?' Jungkook thinks to himself while Y/N blushes lightly.

"Now its Y/N's turn to spin the bottle and ask the question!" Namjoon claimed as he smiled and Jin leaned his head on Namjoon's shoulders, he seemed tired.

Y/N stretched out her hand and gave a small spin to the bottle. 'Please point me, point me, point me.....' Jungkook secretly crossed his fingers wanting to be the one the bottle points at.

Spinning....Spinning........and stops.....

"Jungkook hyung..." Y/N looked at Jungkook as a small smile was forming in his lips for a moment but soon disappeared.

"Truth or Dare Jungkook hyung?" Y/N kept her gaze on Jungkook. He cleared his throat and replied maintaining eye contact. "Dare." Jungkook smirked and Y/N slightly blushed and started thinking on what dare she should give Jungkook.

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