|Chapter 31: Double surprise|

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Your P.O.V


"I loved Jungkook before you arrived, we used to do everything together but... then you came and he looked at you as competition and I backed away... I didn't hate you, I just didn't like being in the same room as you so I kept my distance... I....I-I'm sorry..." He hugs me and I don't have words.

So that's why he became distant those years.

"I-I'm sorry I never told you b-but i-its just that...." He raises his head and locks eyes with me.

"I.... I accepted it, Jungkook only saw me as his hyung and he fell in love with you. I locked away my feelings, they were gone... I've been there supporting your relationship and I love you both but.... when...." Tears leave his eyes and he gulps.

"Jimin....today he..." He breathes in deeply and I'm frozen. I only look into his eyes, tears forming in my eyes. I never knew Tae suffered so much because of me and Jungkook.

"Jimin... today he...said he loved me, not in a brotherly way.... When Jungkook went somewhere and we were left alone, he leaned upwards and.....pecked me.... Y/N....." I nod and I'm surprised.

I never thought Jimin would say that to Tae, let alone do that. I've always pictured both of them as the perfect best friend goals.

"Y/N when he pecked me I.... I thought of Jungkook.... and I pushed him away..... I-I..... I'm a horrible friend...... I.... I don't know. I-I'm sorry." Taehyung leans again his head on my shoulders and I process everything.

"I-I...." I stutter and don't know what to tell him.

"D-Did you say it to him that y-you don't see him that way?" I pat his back and he shakes his head.

"How do you see Jimin?" Taehyung stops sobbing and raises his head, showing me his puffy red eyes and pink nose.

"I....I don't know... I've always seen him as my other half that understands me, my brother and best friend." I slowly nod.

"Is that why he's drunk?" Taehyung nods.

"I broke his heart..." Taehyung cleans his face with the sleeves of his jacket.

"You only thought of Jungkook when he kissed you? ....Really? Taehyung.... don't lie to me." I know he's hiding something.

Onde Taehyung decides he will lock something in his heart, it stays locked. His determination for things is absolute, when he decides that something happens, it happens... He said he locked his feelings for Jungkook, then they must be locked away, then why did he say he thought of Jungkook while Jimin pecked him?

"I....... Why can't I lie to you?!" Taehyung lets out a frustrated sigh and a tear leaves his eyes.

"I didn't think of Jungkook.... I pushed him away because I'm scared. The truth is that the only person I've had feelings for was Jungkook, I didn't have any type of feelings toward anyone like the ones I had for Jungkook but... when Jimin pecked me.... I.... I felt something... and I became afraid.... What should I do Y/N?"

I breathe in and breathe out. "Kim Taehyung, go get your man. Make him yours and don't break Jimin's heart. You love him don't you?" I smile sadly at him and he slowly nods.

He hugs me tightly and I return the hug, we keep hugging, until I slowly break the hug.

"You babo, I didn't know you loved Jungkook, and you could have made a move while I was away yet you didn't. Thank you Tae." I lightly kiss his cheek and he smiles.

"Now I have a new love too, Jeon Ji Jung."

"Yah! That's my man. My two men are Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Ji Jung." We laugh and exit my bedroom.

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