Chapter 8: Competitive Spirits

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The last bell rings and it feels like I'm going to die. This school is definitely what I thought it was going to be like. Being able to be around other amazing talented people like me I can talk to about music and other stuff is great, but the downside is all the work. Geez these teachers really know how to give homework on the first day of school. I don't want to go home yet so there has to be a place to go where you can just sit or dance and play music. It is a school for music and performing arts. Hmm? Maybe the auditorium it has a piano and I'm kind of in the mood to just play my heart out in peace and quiet. Or at least I hope I can have peace and quiet. No doubt Jessie and Kennedy will try and come find me. I better hurry then.

Opening the auditorium doors and popping my head in, it looks empty. Doesn't seem like anyone is here so I close the door behind me and make my way to the stage. Yes! As I thought the piano is still out so putting my bag on the end of the stage I jump up. I don't know why but my body just starts to walk around and spin in circles and then stops. Looking out into the empty audience I'm able picture it. Full with many people clapping and cheering, all because of me. That's definitely a goal for me. To perform in a audience this big or bigger and get a standing ovation or maybe something even better, but what's better than that.

Finally coming to the realization there's no one here and letting the vision disappear. I turn to the grand piano. With the stage lights off it looks dark like the midnight sky. Sliding my hand over the top I sit down again. Like my body takes control I start to play, then start singing, but of course I always have a nosy pair of twins at my back. During the time I started the girls had come in and sat in the back, but they weren't alone. When I hit the last key and the chord rings out I freeze as a loud clapping rises from the back of the auditorium. Facing the back of the auditorium there's Jackson standing there clapping. Of course I probably just embarrassed myself singing off key or playing the wrong note. Ugh, is my face getting red, oh maybe I should say something or...

My thoughts are suddenly cut off because Jackson's saying something, "Wow, that was amazing. I thought I was good but seeing you today in class and now when it seemed like you just let go and there was nothing holding you back, you were incredible."

I'm blushing, but try to at least hide it as much as I can, "Um thanks but what are you guys doing sneaking up on me I could have done something we all regretted." Shit why did I just say that. God I'm such an idiot!

"Do something we all regretted? Like what, scream bloody murder. But that doesn't matter. you definitely have an amazing voice Rae, and I don't go around saying that to anyone." Is he hitting me? Hmm, probably not. I don't even know the kid, but then again he could be a player and oh my god get a grip and answer him.

"Haha, yeah I guess you're right." I awkwardly look to the side and start scratching the back of my neck. "You know I heard you're not too bad with singing and dancing. That you could be the best in the school and when challenged could be a forced to be reckoned with." Gaining confidence again I turn to look at them all. I think I'll put him to the task and see how good he is.

"Is that a challenge?" He gives me this slight devilish smirk.

"Well we are in the auditorium alone," I put my arms out looking around then bring my attention back to him." It would be perfect, but hey what do I know I just sit at a piano and play music for all you know." Teasing, it always works on Jessie, let's see if it works on him.

"I don't believe that, I heard you're not too bad on your feet too."

"So do you accept the challenge?"

"I do."

"Good, now who goes first?"

"Ladies first, isn't that usually how it is."

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