Chapter 10: Hallway Fights

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I open my eyes and I'm dancing on stage with the lights shining bright on me. I can see people in the audience, but I can't make out their faces. I'm so in the moment with the dance and music I don't realize what's really happening until he grabs me. When I turn around to face him instead of being met with the eyes of the man in my nightmares it's Jackson. He closes his eyes and starts to lean in. At this point there isn't anything around except us. I close my eyes and lean in getting ready to kiss him, but right before our lips meet t a blaring noise goes off and my eyes shoot open. This time though when they open my eyes are met with my alarm clock. 

Reaching over I slam my hand on top of it silencing the alarm. Turning over in my bed I face the ceiling and a long sigh comes out of my mouth. Ugh! Grabbing my pillow I shove it on top of my face and scream. Why does my mind hate me? Why can't I just sleep for once instead of having a nightmare or a weird fantasy that will never come true. 

I can't stop thinking about yesterday though. The dance, his eyes, his touch... No stop I need to get this out of my head. I literally just met him I don't even really know the guy. What if he doesn't feel the same or something else? What if I get mad and my energy comes out? Why am I even thinking about this? It must just be a stupid high school crush. But damn do I feel drawn to this kid. And then there's my mark.

On my back right behind my heart there's a mark. It's shaped like a flame and the colors are white and black but seem to be missing something. Something about it seems off though. It's the one elemental thing that I don't know or remember about. I've search online and found nothing.

I've also kept it hidden from my parents too. I can't hide it like my marks on my arms so if they saw it they might think it's a tattoo, and my mother will murder me if she thought I had a tattoo.

The thing that really bothers me though and makes me think all of this is because it's acting up all of a sudden. Like it's never had any affect before. It was just a mark on my back, but that was until I looked at Jackson. Now any emotion I feel with him I also feel it on my back. Like who the hell fells emotions on their back! Usually it's on the chest because of their heart, but noooo I feel mine on my fucking back! UGH!

I just need to leave it alone. And like I said we just met too so he probably doesn't feel the same. Plus I think he dated Bridget and if anyone dated someone like her I don't know if I can be with them. My alarm goes off again and this time instead of slamming my hand on it I take it and slam into in the wall across my room. Yeah I know I'm not a morning person. Shoving the pillow off my face and pushing the covers off me I get up and get ready for school. 

After getting ready I go downstairs, say goodbye just like yesterday, and head out to my bike. Time for school, a place where it feels like trouble finds me.

Parking my bike I go into school and I'm just about dragged by Jessie and Kennedy to the bathroom.

"Okay what the hell is going on. And you just stretched one of my favorite shirts so you better start talking before I walk out of here." I'm wearing a light blue off the shoulder blouse that Jessie just pulled on and stretched a little. The first bell hasn't rung and I'm already aggravated. No actually I've been aggravated since I woke up so now I'm just not in the mood for anything.

"You could always fix the shirt with elemental or whatever." Jessie brushes it off in a quick whatever voice.

"It doesn't work like that Jessie."

"Okay, okay, but the reason we brought you in here is because the whole school is talking about you." Finally she gets to the point. Wait what did she just say?

"Me? Why me?"

"Umm cause you're the hot new chick who has talent, but mostly because you showed up Bridget on your first day." She says the second part a little quieter, but I'm still able to hear her. Great this is all I need.

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