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It didn't take us very long to clean up the mess, I don't know how we missed it. We all had fun making dinner together tonight. We made homemade pizza. I was ready to go to bed after we ate dinner together.

"I'm going to bed, so goodnight dad, goodnight Rose."

They both said in unison, "Goodnight Hanna."

I got my stuff all laid out for tomorrow for school. Victoria and I have cheer practice in the morning because there is a football game tomorrow night, so I set my alarm to four-thirty in the morning. I love cheer, but having to be up that early is just pure torture.

Morning came too quick for me as my alarm began blaring. Victoria and I had a half hour before we needed to leave for practice. We hurry and packed a quick breakfast for the both of us, and headed out the door with Rose. I don't know how Rose handles everything that she does for the school, she doesn't even look tired. We were some of the first girls at the school. The girls that come late to practice have to run laps, so we always leave early. We practiced all of the cheers and dances that we were going to do at the game tonight. We were done with practice by seven, so we still had time to shower and get ready for school. I hurried to get ready so I could finish some homework. I hadn't got to my homework over the weekend because it had been the wedding, but I don't think that a teacher would think a wedding is a good excuse to not have homework done. Victoria came and found me after she had finished getting ready.

"Hanna, what are you working on?"

"I'm working on homework that I should have done over the weekend."

"I haven't worked on any of my homework. Mom is going to kill me."

"I haven't even got to English homework, I'm still working on my other classes."

"I guess we'll just suffer the consequences together. It can't be that bad, it was mom's wedding over the weekend. Maybe she'll understand."

"Somehow, I get a feeling that your mom isn't going to be so understanding about us both not doing our homework."

Suddenly, the bell rang for the first class to begin. We both headed to class together. We were lucky enough that the teachers had decided to extend due dates, because quite a few students had not done their homework. Lunch came by really fast. All of us cheerleaders ordered a few pizzas to eat together in the commons. The bell rang, and I began dreading the next class, only because I had no idea what was going to happen.

Everyone sat down in their assigned seats, and class began once the bell rang again.

"Class, Hanna and Victoria will be coming around to gather your homework."

Victoria looked at me, and I looked at her. We both knew that Rose was going to be busy after school at the football game, so she wouldn't have time to see who turned the homework in until after the game tonight.

Class went by kind of slow as we read from our literature books in groups. She assigned a bunch of homework to us, and dismissed us a few minutes early. Victoria and I booked it out of there, not even making eye contact with Rose as we walked out.

Victoria spoke up.

"Good thing we were the ones who gathered the homework."

"I know, I was so sure we were going to get caught in front of everyone."

"Well, it might have been better. She can't get as mad in front of students as she can at home. We might be scolded worse."

"I didn't think about that. I think we should be on our best behavior when we get home."

"Me too."

We hurried to the locker room to change into our uniforms. Some of the girls were already changed. The traveling team was already here getting warmed up. Mom came to the game so she could watch me do cheers and our dance routines. Our team won the game forty-two to fourteen. 

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