Chapter One: In the Town of Whiteoak

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I sat on the plane, trying to block out all of the overwhelming noise that was going through my brain. Despite trying to find the smallest plane possible, the sound of everyone was so overbearing I could feel myself getting nauseous. I put on my headphones, listening to any song that came on my shuffle — any song that would distract me from these god awfully loud noises. As the plane flew over the blanket that was the city underneath me, I gazed out, admiring the stars. I was in my own little world, traveling from Delaware to Colorado.

My whole life, I have been in another universe, it seems. I feel far away, far from this planet; to say the least. Growing up in school, I fondly remember twiddling with my pencil, chewing the end of it as I listened to the teacher lecture. I never made true friends, because I was a bit incapable of it.

My name is Indie Logan Venus, and I can read minds. You most likely just scoffed while reading this, thinking: "What the genuine hell?" But it's true. Everything anyone thinks all the time is clouding my head. I know everyone's deepest, darkest secrets. When I've tried to make friends, all I can hear is their judgements about me. It gets pretty exhausting.

I was adopted at a week old, due to my father not being in the picture and my mother dealing with opiate addiction. So, on the day I was born, my mother immediately signed off on the adoption papers, thus handing me over to them. I have never met my mother, nor my father, and I never wanted to know their names. Janis was my real mother, no matter what, as James was my father. When I was a young child, I remember vaguely my adoptive parents looking at me, with curiosity in their eyes. Almost as if they knew I was strange, almost as if they knew I could hear every thought they were thinking. My adoptive mother, Janis, used to always say, "My my my, you are a strange little thing. I'm going to unravel you, young lady."

And that's exactly what she did. From the time I was adopted into her and my father James' care, they treated me like I was special. I told them as soon as I could muster up the words that I could hear thoughts. They would test me, always; by asking, "Well what am I thinking right now?" But eventually, as I grew older, they knew I was truly telepathic. My mother, Janis and James, gave me a wonderful life. Despite my perspicacious "talent", they treated me like a princess. I had a birthday party every year, with a few selective friends until I was 15. At 15, I gave up on friendship because hearing the thoughts about me were overwhelming, especially when we would get into fights.

Janis and James were older, about mid 50s when they adopted me. They could not have children, and so badly wanted to have a little girl. However, now that I am 18, they had both passed away. Janis had been diagnosed with pneumonia, but due to her already compromised immune system, passed away shortly after. James had only passed away a few years later due to a degenerative heart disease. It was horrible, and I grieved and grieved — I still am. However, they would've wanted me to create a new life for myself, to do what I really wanted to do.

"Flight number 207, we are about 5 minutes from our destination. Please keep your seatbelt fastened until the button above goes green. We hope you have enjoyed this flight, welcome to the beautiful Denver, Colorado." A flight attendant said with quite the monotone voice. I sighed in relief, ready to get some goddamn piece and quiet. The plane rattled as we began to land, the wheels hitting against the runway as it shook my seat.

I stood up and stretched, my legs extending as I let out a happy groan. Sitting still was really not my thing. I grabbed the few bags I had taken, waiting for everyone to clear the plane before stepping out. I immediately smelled the fresh air, taking in the scent of hickory and oak trees. I gazed ahead, seeing that in only a few miles, there was mountains larger than I had ever seen. Even in the dark, I could tell how green and colorful everything was. Nature has always been something I've deeply connected with. It's so quiet and tranquil. At my old house, I would sit outside and listen to the cicadas and the trees blowing, as well as the sounds of cars driving by. I would bring a blanket, resting on the swinging bench and listen for hours, curled up with a book and an oversized sweatshirt.

I soon found a taxi to take my back to my small, secluded cabin in which my parents had left for me in their will. Although my parents had left me a good amount of money, I had already applied to some diner just a quarter mile away, and go the job. I didn't want to use up all of the money they left me at once, but rather save it for a rainy day. Although I had landed in Denver, I was going to be living in a very small town, called Whiteoak. The drive in the taxi took around 45 minutes, but I didn't mind. The scenery of the large, enveloping trees was enough to keep me entertained. From a distance, I could see the full moon peaking out from behind the trees, casting its light onto my face. I smiled lightly.

Suddenly, I heard a wolf release a drawn out, ear piercing howl.

I jumped from the surprise, as well as the loudness if it. "Don't worry, hon" the taxi driver shrugged. "They're everywhere around here, maybe own a firearm considering the place you'll be living at. Lots of them there, you'll need to protect yourself."

I let out a wry chuckle, my pulse calming down. "I think I'll be just fine." There was no way I was going to buy a gun, I rarely go outside, anyway.

He shrugged, putting his hands up in defense before chuckling. "Just make sure to lock your doors at night, and windows... They're vicious creatures."

I nodded mindlessly in response. For the rest of the car ride, we sat in pleasant silence until the car came to a screeching halt. We were here, at the house I now owned. I got out, collecting my bags before giving the taxi man a large sum of money, thanking him for driving me all of this way. As I heard him pull away, I sighed, looking at my new home.

It was a small, wooden cabin that has a dirt path which lead to stores and other shops only a few minutes away. There were so many trees, I couldn't help but continue to breathe in the fresh, crisp air that contained the scent of pines and oak.

This was my new beginning, a beginning I deserved.

NEW BOOK!!!! this was kinda a filler chapter which is why it was a bit boring, but it will get better ;)

i got a lot of my inspiration from the show True Blood, AKA my favorite television series of all time. Please check that show out, it's amazing!!

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