Chapter Sixty: To Know You

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Indie's Point of View:

"I can't fully decide if this is more cliché or awkward." Mila laughed awkwardly, giving Wren a kiss on the cheek. Wren continued to stare at me intently, our eye contact not breaking as I lifted my brows at her. All of my life, I had a sister that I was completely oblivious to. Not one time had the thought of having a sister ever crossed my mind, quite possibly because it felt painful to think about. We looked so alike, yet so different. My hair was as dark as the night sky, her hair was almost as white as the snow. Mine was in curls cascading down my back, hers was pin straight. She was tall and intimidating, while I was small and vulnerable. She emitted powerful energy, and I felt a wave of jealously cross over me. Her face was clear like the morning sky on a summer day, while mine was painted with freckles. She smiled casually, as if she was not in utter shock about this entire situation. It felt star-crossed — Thaddeus is my mate, and his sister was my 'so-called' sister's mate. I wanted to deny it, but the energy and likeness within our mannerisms were too prevalent and obvious to ignore.

"Maybe we are cousins."

'We are not, you are my sister. Only siblings can communicate like this in our community.' I heard a voice echo through my head. I jumped, gripping Thaddeus' hand tightly. He dared to not say anything, he simply observed closely. "What just happened? Are you communicating now?" Mila asked, looking between both of us.

"We are indeed, my mate." Wren said. I suddenly felt myself begin to get lightheaded, overwhelmed by everything that had just occurred.

"Uh, I'm sorry, excuse me." I whispered, getting out of the booth. I scurried past the people in the restaurant, looking for the nearest bathroom. My face was hot to the touch, my body on fire. I quickly shut the stall door behind me, sitting on the toilet as I tried to calm myself down. Was this some sort of sick joke? I thought to myself rhetorically. Wren seemed to be making this out to be so normal, as if we just hadn't met our own flesh-and-blood for the very first time.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door, forcing me to try and gather myself. I opened it cautiously, catching a glimpse of Thaddeus. He pried the door open, stepping into the single stall. I laughed awkwardly, crossing my arms over my chest as I felt tears form in my eyes. I knew that if I looked up at Thaddeus, I would completely breakdown. "Hey, hey." He murmured, pulling me into his chest. His scent instantly calmed me down, but I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

"This is just very overwhelming for me." I wiped my tears with my hands, groaning as I saw the mascara cover my fingers. Thaddeus used his shirt to wipe under my eyes gently, making me laugh. "You're wearing a white shirt. Now there's black shit all over it." I sniffled and hiccuped. He pushed my hair back out of my face, pulling me into his chest once more. "Everything is a lot right now." I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his waist. He didn't say anything, he just held me — he always knew exactly what I needed. His strong arms continued to hold me while I cried lightly, not caring if my makeup was smearing across my face. Whilst in our embrace, a knock echoed through the empty marbled bathroom.

"Hey, it's Wren. Can I talk to Indie for a moment?" Thaddeus looked at me, gazing into my eyes sternly for a response. I nodded slightly, wiping at my face before Thaddeus exited the bathroom. Wren came in, her white hair pulled into a messy ponytail. She was biting at her nails nervously, making me frown. Although I didn't know her and I was very overwhelmed, I still felt a strong connection to this mysterious woman. She was exactly like me, but the exactly the opposite of me at the same time.

"I'm sorry it has happened like this. I know that you must be feeling extremely overwhelmed... I was too, when I found out about you." She whispered, staring at the tiles of the bathroom floor.

"Found out about me?" I questioned.

"I've known you've existed for quite some time. I had met our mother a few years back, and she told me that I had a sister. I didn't know your name, what you looked like, or if you were even still alive. Suicide is common in our community. We are constantly ridiculed by everyone around us, and we often feel incredulously, perpetually alone — especially without our a family." She sighed out, tracing the words written in sharpie on the white walls. Hearing her say the words 'our mother' sent chills down my spine, but I tried to ignore it.

"Lets start over, I'm Wren Felicity Phoenix." She stuck out her hand and I chuckled awkwardly. As I was about to speak, she cut me off. "Indigo. That's your first name." I frowned, raising an eyebrow. "Just Indie." She shook her head, smiling. "Indigo is mothers favorite color. She simply told your adoptive parents to call you Indie. She wanted to have a special name for you, that she would only call you by." I nodded slowly. This was all very new to me, but I was still intrigued. I imagined what it would be like if I had never been adopted, and if I lived in a community where everyone was just like me. I often had vivid dreams about what it would be like, but my parents were probably the best thing that could've happened to me.

"Is our mothers name Ancillary?"

Wren nodded. "I'm not sure where she is now. I believe that she is still trying to figure her own life out. She told me a long while ago that her sobriety was still a battle. I do know one thing for sure, however, she loves you and I very much — more than we can imagine. She did what she did when we were born to protect us and give us a healthy environment to flourish in." I felt tears gather in my eyes, and a familiar lump form in my throat. Much to my surprise, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

'I'm excited to know you,' I heard her voice echo in my head. I laughed through my tears.

'Me too.'

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