Chapter Fifty-Seven: Paradox

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graphic content ahead! triggering topics for some will be mentioned, read carefully and skip if you need to.

Indie's Point of View:

I woke up to the sound of car horns blaring and my toes feeling like they were quite possibly falling off from the cold. I groaned as I stood up, nearly falling over from how weak I felt. I felt as if I were in a dream state as the headlights blinded my vision, making me reach up a hand to cover my face. The black SUV came to a screeching halt, the ice on the road making it slide to the right and almost hit me. I took another step back towards the tree, my back hitting against it as I held my breath — waiting for the impact. The car stopped only a few inches from me, making my breath hitch.

"Luna, is that you?" A man opened the car door, squinting. He analyzed me, before gasping softly. "I'm so sorry, my Luna." He said, nervously pacing back and forth. He ran a hand through his long, black hair, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Are you alright? Where is Alpha Thaddeus? You look like you're about to freeze to death." He took a few steps closer. I nodded weakly, ignoring his questions. "Water, please." My voice was raspy and quiet, my throat instantly burning when I began to speak. Amy head was throbbing vigorously, making it hard for me to realize where I was and why I was there — before the memories came flooding back. I felt tears rush down my face, before the man reappeared with a blanket. He handed it to me, along with a water bottle.

"Let's get you back to the pack house, come on." He said quietly, not daring to present any further questions as to why I was asleep outside in such freezing weather. I nodded thankfully, gulping down the water that tasted like utter liquid gold. I was so weak to the point of where he hand to extend his arm out to me to help me get in the car. As soon as I sat down, I basked in the feeling of the seat warmers and the heat pumping through the vent. I leaned back, only to doze off once more. "Thank you." I murmured quietly.

   I groaned, feeling myself on hard, cold cement. I jolted from my sleeping position, looking around. The room was pitch black, no other signs of human life besides an unmistakable rotting stench. I scrunched my nose, trying to stand up before I realized that my arms and legs were chained the the ground. I felt my breath hitch, and panic mode set in. This man said he was taking me back to the pack house, but this definitely wasn't it. I wanted to slam my head against the wall, how could I have been so stupid and naïve? Memories of Janis saying the cliché words "never get in a stranger's car" kept replaying through my head, making me groan out in frustration. I was so sleep deprived, hungry and thirsty — it was nearly impossible for me to be able to think straight, nor make rational decisions.

"You're the witch." A voice broke the silence. He ascended from the shadows of the pitch black room, his long black hair looking familiar.

The man who offered me water and to take me home.

"I'm not a witch." I replied, tugging at the chains on my wrists and ankles. They were wrapped tightly, my hands and feet almost turning purple from the lack of blood flow. I immediately began to try and plan my escape, but I knew it was be impossible without a saw of some sort; or the key to unlock the padlock, obviously.

"You read minds. That is witchcraft, little girl." He paces around the room, a frantic look on smeared across his scarred face. I wanted to spit in his face for condescending me and calling me that. For God's sake, I was nineteen. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "And, you are the daughter of Ancillary — the leader of the last pureblood coven." He added, raising a finger. Huh, so my birth mothers name was Ancillary.

"I do indeed have the paradoxical gift of telepathy. However, I do not have the ability to read your mind, or any other supernatural beings, for that matter. I don't have any malicious plans to harm your people." I explained calmly. I looked at him directly in the eyes, hoping to evoke whatever humanity he had left. His eyes still gave me the cold look, not softening even by the smallest of fractions. He continued to pace, placing a hand on his chin as if he were in a deep abyss of thoughts.

"You will die, Ms. Phoenix. Once the counsel becomes aware of your powers, they will shamelessly slaughter you and Thaddeus. I am doing you a favor, to say the least." He took a step forward, making me flinch.

"Thaddeus will kill you, I don't know what's got you feeling so high-and-mighty. He is the superior Alpha. Once he knows where I am, you'll be dead." I seethed angrily. I continued to tug at the chains, the sharpness of the silver digging into my wrists and ankles, drawing blood.

"I guess we must speed up the process, then. You're right, he is the 'Great Alpha' after all, yeah?" He cackled. I gulped, my anxiety heightening as he began to walk closer to me. His long claws extended from his fingers, his hot breath on my ear. He hummed, making me want to gag. The man then moved his claw over my mark, making my legs kick up as he touched the area. I squirmed in my spot, feeling dirty and violated. I gathered up saliva in my mouth, catching him off-guard as I spit directly in his face. Before I could understand what was coming next, the impact of the back of his hand sent me flying back into the concrete. I grasped at my cheek, the throbbing sensation unbearable and burning. "You're fucking dead!" I screamed out.

"You're a sick bastard! Thaddeus will find you, and kill you."

"Thaddeus is with his beloved sister in the hospital. Do you really think that he would choose a pathetic excuse for a Luna over his own flesh and blood? You're silly, and naïve. It sickens me. You have no knowledge of our people. It baffles me that he was elected, considering this." He roared back, grabbing my throat harshly. I struggled to breathe, his grasp cutting all of my oxygen off. I felt myself begin to grow dizzy, before he released me. I fell back onto the cold floor, feeling disoriented.

"However, although you are a disgusting excuse for a leader, you are quite beautiful." His slimy hand reached up to grab my face, his intense eyes burning holes into me. I jolted away, trying to free myself
from his revolting touch. "Don't touch me, please. If you're going to kill me, stop being such a fucking coward. Kill me, now." I growled out. He laughed sardonically once again, making my anger grow further. I was sick of being condescended and patronized by men. The only thing holding me back from tearing his dick off were the chains that restrained me. He began to unbutton his shirt, making me instantly vomit. I dry heaved, before feeling his hand on my thigh.

Before he could do anything else, the man screamed in agony. I looked up, confused as to what had just occurred. My eyes widened as I saw his head had been torn clean off, the blood spurting and pouring onto the floor. I wanted to throw up again, but there was nothing left in me. Behind him was Thaddeus, stubble grown on his face that was now covered in the blood of this mysterious man. I felt tears stream down my face in joy, the feeling of wanting to wrap my arms around Thaddeus' neck overwhelming and intense. He was growling, fur beginning to sprout from his chest in anger. He stepped closer to me, his eyes completely distraught and cold; making me shudder. He ripped the chains off, lifting me up roughly and setting me over his shoulder. I yelled out in pain, his touch hurting my frail body.

"I have got you. Pack members are outside. Go to sleep." His voice was distant and harsh, making the tears stream down my face even faster.

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