Chapter Fifty-Nine: Wren

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Indie's Point of View:

       I have been having terrifying dreams quite often, I wrote in my notebook.  Memories of the man tracing his hand up my face and down my neck make it difficult for me to feel intimate with Thaddeus. I flinch when he touches me. I know it hurts him significantly, as it hurts me — but I can't help it. One man violates you even in the slightest way and it feels as if all of the men in the world are against you. I know this isn't true and I sound theatrical, considering the fact that Thaddeus would never hurt me in million years — but it's hard to push my fear away. The other day when he was pushing a strand of hair behind my ear I felt my heart sink into the pits of my stomach. I sound weak writing this, and quite possibly dramatic. I don't know why I continue to stay so fearful.

"Indie?" I heard Thaddeus' voice echo through across my room. He had a towel resting low on his waist, the water from his previous shower trickling down his abdomen. His hair was wet and tousled, his olive skin slightly red from the heat. I looked up through my glasses, quickly closing my journal and shoving it into the drawer in my desk. He took steps closer to me, hesitantly placing a hand on my chin. "I know you are still fearful love, but I sympathize with you. I cannot apologize enough. If given the opportunity to do that day all over again arose, I would take it without a second thought."

I placed my hand over his, leaning into his touch. "I love you, Thaddeus. I really, truly, deeply do." He pressed a kiss to the crown of my head, quickly sliding on shorts as I turned my head embarrassingly. "No need to look away, what's mine is yours." He murmured seductively. I slapped his arm as he crawled into bed with me, holding my body to his warm and broad chest. I sighed in relief, the only sounds in the room being the white noise of the television playing in the background, as well as the old fireplace crackling. I snuggled into his warmth, making him hum in happiness. As I felt myself relax more and more into his touch, his phone began to ping loudly. I groaned, covering my ears with a pillow. Thaddeus growled at the persistence of the person texting him, before pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Mila, yes?" Thaddeus answered, rubbing his temples. I could only hear squeals across the phone, excited ones at that.

"You've met her?" Thaddeus sat up fully now, a smile splayed across his face. My eyes widened, trying to bring my ear closer to the phone to listen to the conversation. "Yes, Indie and I will be there tonight to meet her. How is Charlotte taking this? Is she alright?"

Thaddeus nodded. "It's good that she is happy for you. I know it is a difficult situation, but she will find her mate as well. The Ball will be taking place soon, and thousands of unmated wolves will be there. She will find her. Try not to be too hard on yourself." I smiled excitedly, clapping my hands. Thaddeus chuckled, muttering an 'I love you' to Mila before ending the call.

"I suppose we are meeting my sister's mate tonight."

I pulled on the maxi dress that hugged my chest and waist, huffing in irritation as the strapless bra dug into my rib cage. I threw my hair up into a messy high pony tail, applying concealer to some of the zits I had from my period that ended last week. I slid on some flats, pulling on a cropped denim jacket to pair with the dress. Thaddeus walked into the bathroom, wearing a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms — making me drool. He had on black jeans, and his hair looked messy but cute. I squealed when he grabbed my waist, lifting me up onto the bathroom counter and buried his face into my neck. "Mm." He grumbled, clutching my waist and hips tightly with his large palms. "Stunning." I pecked him on his cheek, urging him to help me down — which made him chuckle. He lifted me back up, gently setting me on the ground before looking back down to me.

He pulled his keys from his pocket, twirling them around his finger. "Ready, amica mea?" I nodded. "I'm so excited for Mila... she deserves this, she truly does." As we walked out, I stopped in front of him — giving him puppy-eyes.

"You are not driving, Indie."

"Why not?"

"That would be ungentlemanly of me."

"Or is it because you don't trust me with your precious car?" I placed a hand on my hip, raising in eyebrow at him. His eyes widened, before handing the keys over to me. I smirked, winking at him.  I started the car nervously, Thaddeus' eyes on me. "Holy fuck, stop. You're making me nervous. I won't crash your car."

"Not thinking about that... thinking about how ethereal you look right right in this moment." My face flashed bright red as I backed out of the driving, my heartbeat picking up as he set a hand on my inner thigh. "That'll make me crash the damn car." He chuckled, moving his hand closer to my knee. I rolled the windows down, adoring the way the breeze made my hair fly up in all different directions. The sun was going down, making the sky look as if it were painted abstractly with watercolors. The mountains had little ice left on them, due to the fact that winter was ending soon now. The emerald green leaves on the trees were returning, turning the forest into a rich color as the snow melted into the soil. The scenery made you feel as if your eyes were undeserving of seeing it.

We pulled into the restaurant, and Thaddeus used his speed to open the door for me before I could even touch the handle. I laughed, clutching his arm as he then opened the door for me. I muttered a 'thank you' before entering the fancy eatery, straightening down my dress with my hands. As soon as we walked into the room, a weird energy flooded my mind. I looked around, seeing if anything was wrong — but everything seemed normal. Thaddeus seemed to notice my discomfort, looking at me and furrowing his brows. I shook my head, smiling to reassure him.

"Indie, brother — this is my mate, Wren." I heard Mila's nervous voice break the silence. My head snapped around, the room feeling more tense than ever. I looked to Mila's left, seeing her mate. She had pure blonde-white hair down to her waist, a heart-shaped face and a strong jaw. She had freckles painted across her, and deep dimples. One of her eyes was a piercing blue, the other a dark brown. Thaddeus looked between both of us, and Mila coughed. There was an awkward silence.

"Sister, how nice it is to see you."

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