Chapter Fifteen: In A World of Darkness

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Thaddeus' Point of View:
          "I am sorry for hurting you, Indie. I thought you were someone else, and I am not excusing it." I expressed, my heart feeling heavy as I looked at her puffy, tear streamed face and broken wrist. I had done that, to my mate. She crossed her arms over her chest, still silent as she raised her brows. "And you're sorry for..." She said, drawing out the last word as she tapped her foot over the ground, anticipating more of an apology from me. I couldn't blame her, however. Because of my Alpha gene, I felt angry deep within, because it felt like I was being disrespected. However, after studying her for a few weeks, I had come to realize that she was much more sensitive than I. I would need to apologize to her when I had hurt her deeply, for her heart was too fragile not too. Her humanity was on her sleeve, along with her heart. I needed to understand her.

"Yelling at you, making you feel frightened. I am so sorry." I hated the fact that I had scared my own mate. It felt like we were already getting so much closer, and she was beginning to let me in. What I had done had not only hindered her trust for me and hurt her physically, but because of me we had gone easily a hundred steps back to square one. It's not that I would ever push her to do anything — she was mine, and I knew it — as did she knew deep down that I was hers. It was undeniable, the way she felt for me, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"So, you're basically a vampire?"

"No, Indie, I am not." A smile tugged at my lips.

"Well then what are you, huh?" She threw her hands up in frustration, her face getting more and more agitated by the second — red with rage. I had absolutely no idea what to say, and for once in my life I had felt awkward, and very uncomfortable. She really had no idea. It had me in disbelief that she was so clueless as to what I am, considering the fact that I can sense she's not human. I could smell it on her; she lacked a basic scent that all humans had, and her skin glowed like the sun. She was far from earth, almost like a fairy in such a world of darkness. She stood out like blue-purple sea glass in the sand, like a pearl amongst shells. Her skin was bright, as was her smile. It was evident that she differed from everyone else, and that wasn't just because she was my mate. She was different, and even my sister, Mila, knew.

"What are you, little one?" I knew she was going to be extremely pissed off from me asking and being so persistent, especially after what I had just done to her. I wanted to go to her and wipe her tears and kiss her face, to fall on my knees and hug her legs and beg for her to forgive me. I had already caused her so much pain. With anyone else, I wouldn't care. My wolf enjoyed killing anyone who stood in his path, tearing apart the bodies of rouges and those who disrespect me. It was exhilarating and made me feel in control. But with her, my heart felt soft and my knees felt weak. I was so foreign to the feeling that it frightened me.

"Why do you keep asking that, Thaddeus?!" She grinned, rubbing her temples as she paced around the room nervously. I could feel her pulse quicken by the minute as she felt my eyes glued to her. She fumbled with the hem of her oversized tee-shirt, gazing out the window; avoiding my glance like she had always done before. "Because I know you are different, I know you are far from any average girl — and that's not because I feel such strong things for you. It's because you and I both know you aren't normal, Indie. If you will be honest with me, I will be honest with you." I said lowly.

"I'm not supernatural or some shit. This conversation is very weird." She chuckled. "That stuff doesn't exist. I just have some talents, I suppose."

"And those talents are...?"' I cautiously said, awaiting to hear her response and finally learn the truth about my little one.

"You know what, Thaddeus? Why are you so damn curious about me? I don't understand. First you practically kidnap me, then you stalk me, and now you've broken my wrist and you healed it with some God-knows-what witchcraft. I should absolutely fucking despise you, but I can't. It is the most frustrating thing at the world. I feel weak, manipulated and hurt because I can't stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I try. I think you need to leave, now." Her eyes began to gloss over with tears, and I could tell she was being pulled vigorously by the mate attraction when she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. I suppressed the angry growl that wanted so badly to grumble from my chest, afraid to upset her further. I nodded, feeling hurt — I had fucked up, grade-A this time.

However, something in me felt proud of her for being so strong and keeping her ground — even if that meant pushing me away. I would find any way to make this up to my little one; after all, I would wait a century for her. She would be mine.

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