Chapter Thirty-Three: Euphoria

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Indie's Point of View:

          I woke up to the feeling of large, familiar palms resting on my waist. They were warm, making my body feel weak — in a good way. Thaddeus' hand had moved under my sweatshirt, as he sleepily rubbed patterns on my waist and stomach. His patterns left trails of fire, burning my skin in the most euphoric way imaginable.

I slowly moved my head up, seeing Thaddeus' closed eyes. His dark lashes brushed his cheeks, his jaw clenched fiercely from whatever dream he was having. The sun reflected off of his face, making his skin look like honey and gold. I noticed there was a scar on his right eyebrow, and that his nose looked like it had been broken a few times before. I brought a hand to his face, gently touching his jaw; loving how his muscles relaxed under me. His eyes slowly opened, sparkling from the light that fled in through my thin curtains.

"Mm." He hummed lowly, looking into my eyes. I giggled, his eyes wide and happy like a newly adopted puppy. I buried my face in his chest naturally, not thinking twice about my movements. My face flushed bright red when I noticed I had drooled a small bit on his chest. Thaddeus noticed, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest. I wiped it off quickly, ignoring his laughter. Way to go, Indie.

All of my previous anger I had felt for him vanished. I had just had the best sleep of my life, being held tight by a Greek-god of a man. I was so comfortable, and for one night I slept without tossing and turning — none of my anxieties lurking in my mind as I tried to rest. Not only this, but waking up to his face was indescribable. He was beautiful. I knew this all felt far too good to be true, but I still basked in the moment. He sat up slowly, making me drool as I admired his build yet again. A sudden wave of cold washed over my skin once he got out of the bed we were sleeping in, making me furrow my brows and frown.

"Let me make you breakfast." He grumbled, his voice raspy from his sleep. I smiled, my face flushing where I saw his eyes fill with lust as he took in my legs. My hoodie was down to just above mid-thigh, but it had risen up slightly; as now they were more exposed. The tops of my thighs were bare to him, as I suddenly felt insecure. My pulse quickened rapidly, as I felt my knees weaken from the way he way looking at me. I pulled the blanket over my legs, feeling suddenly nervous.

In response, he shut his eyes tightly, emitting a small groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose. The affect I had on him made my heart race undeniably quick every time, as well as making my face and ears feel hot.

        The smell of coffee wafted into my nose, making me giddy with happiness. I drank coffee non-stop, every single morning. It smelled so good, and the fact that Thaddeus was making it for me made it even better. I heard sounds of rustling through the kitchen, before I came face-to-face with a very shirtless Thaddeus. His hair was tousled, considering that he had just woken up. It was a bit outgrown, but I loved it. Imagine running your hands through his hair... I scowled at my thoughts internally, my inner-voice taunting me.

"You don't have much food in your pantry, little one. I will get groceries for you later today, whilst you are working." I scoffed sarcastically, raising a brow at him.

"Or maybe you're just not a good enough chef." I teased him. I was being bold, unknowing of his reaction. His responses were either fire or ice, so I was testing the water. In reply, I got a smirk as his eyes lightened a bit.

"I'm an amazing cook, I'll have you know." He took a few steps closer to me, making my breath hitch. He exited the room once more, before I smelled amazing breakfast foods. The warm, comforting smell of pancakes and scrambled eggs made me sigh in happiness. I was absolutely starving, and I'm fairly sure Thaddeus could hear my stomach grumbling from the kitchen. After a few more minutes had passed, Thaddeus walked in holding a tray of foods. There were strawberries, pancakes with an excessive amount of whipped cream, and one of my mugs filled with coffee.

I smiled giddily like a little girl who had gotten a pony for Christmas.

"What are you trying to do, make me gain some pounds for you?" I laughed as I ate. I tried to ignore his gaze at me, making me feel mildly uncomfortable as I focused on not eating like a complete pig. I stuck out my fork which had a bite of pancake on it, ushering for him to eat too. A small smile was splayed across his perfect lips, taking a bite of the food I had given him.

"You remembered I was vegetarian." I said, after taking a sip of the steaming hot coffee. He nodded, his eyes still burning into me as I ate.

"I remember everything you say, little one." Oh, lord.

Suddenly, I remembered I had work. I dropped my fork on the plate abruptly, covering my mouth. I checked the time on my phone, muttering some not so nice words under my breath. Fuck, I had to be there in fifteen minutes. I wanted to call-off so badly in that moment, not wanting to interrupt the actually nice time I was having with Thaddeus. He looked at me, concerned coloring his features.

"What is it, Indie?" He said, his deep voice making me feel even more distracted than before.

"I just, ah. I have to be at work in fifteen." I got up, carefully playing the tray on my bedside table before rushing to the bathroom and closing the door to change. I quickly pulled on some high-waisted jeans, cursing to myself as I tried to pull them up over my bum. Thaddeus really was trying to get me to gain a few pounds. I quickly pulled on my work shirt, buttoning it as quickly as I could before throwing my hair into a messy high pony-tail. I didn't even dare to look at my face, because I knew I would have the urge to put makeup on — something I definitely did not have time to do.

I swung the door open, my face directly coming in contact with Thaddeus' rock hard chest, making me blush for the umpteenth time.

"Let me give you a ride there." I sighed out, knowing that he was referring to his God-awful, terrifying motorcycle. I quickly grabbed a jacket, pulling it tight over my arms as we went outside. It was freezing out, the brisk Colorado air making me shiver. I climbed onto the back of Thaddeus' motorcycle, feeling his arms rub mine briefly to warm me up — which helped immediately. He handed me a helmet, before he got on (with much more ease, might I add), taking my wrists and locking them tightly around his waist. His body was warm, comforting me instantaneously as he instructed me to hold on tight.

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