Chapter Forty-Two: Amica Mea

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strong sexual content ahead, read at your own risk!

Indie's Point of View:

A loud growl escaped from his lips, so loud and fierce that I found myself shuddering. My heart was beating a mile per minute, my skin flushed and aching for him. His eyes were deep black, the whites of them almost completely covered. He scooped me up suddenly from my laying position, so that I was straddling his lap. He wrapped his mouth around my breast again, this time with much more force. I moaned, arching my back so that I would be more pressed into his face. "Indie," He growled into my skin. "Is this what you want?" I nodded nervously, feeling suddenly overwhelmed and terrified. I couldn't help myself anymore, I needed him — whether I wanted to admit it or not.

"Say it, amica mea." He said sternly, grabbing onto my hips. I gulped, my heart still beating furiously in my ribcage. "Yes, this is what I want, Thaddeus." I gasped out, feeling surprised by my bold actions and words. "I want you, please."

With that being said, I felt myself being lifted from the couch. In a split second, I was in his large bed. The sheets were white silk, the bed was a king-size — making me feel tiny. The windows were large and open, the moonlight shining in and illuminating my skin as I lie there vulnerably. I knew Thaddeus had warned me about the moon and how it increased the mate pull, but at this point I had no regard for it. I knew I needed him. Thaddeus was over me again, his muscles flexing hard as he placed hard kisses on my mouth. I felt my hand move to his hair, feeling the soft locks as he groaned. His tongue dipped into my mouth, as he gently tugged at my bottom lip. My body felt completely limp, as I was overcome with nervousness and unknowingness of what to do.

He took off his belt, which was quite possibly the hottest thing I've ever seen. His eyes were still locked with mine, as he dropped it on the ground. I gulped, watching him pull down his jeans. His v-line was cut and defined, making me shudder involuntarily. I cautiously stopped him, wanting to do it myself. I crawled closer to him, on my knees at the side of the bed as I pulled them down gently. I felt him roughly grab at my hair, making me moan. His hands were entangled in my locks, as he forced my face to look into his eyes so that I was staring directly at them. He lifted my up by my waist, my legs dangling in the air as he gently set me back down onto the bed.

I felt his hands tug at the boxers of his I was wearing. I lifted my hips for better access, now completely bare to him. His eyes flickered from the deep color to an amber-gold, taking me in with his gaze. It was like he was drinking me in, like water. "Tu pulcherrimo, little one." Before I could realize what was happening, his mouth was back on my most sensitive part. I would never get used to this, it felt so intimate and erotic. He licked at me, his eyes looking up the entire time. I felt my hands go back to his hair, helplessly pushing him further into me. He growled again, making my lower half vibrate as I felt the familiar knot form in my belly. He moved his hands to my thighs, wrapping them around his head. My feet were resting on his broad shoulders, my toes beginning to curl as I felt him suck on my sensitive bud. He licked his long fingers, before I felt him push two inside of me. I gasped from the burning yet amazing phenomenon. His long fingers slid in and out of me gently, stroking my inner thigh with the other hand. My legs started to shake, making him use one hand to now press my belly down gently.

"Mm." He licked his lips, making my entire body feel hot. I was apprehensive with my movements, as I sat on my knees to pull the rest of his clothing off. His thumb was placed under my chin, his eyes flickering with lust and adoration.

"I don't know what I'm doing," I chuckled awkwardly. Despite my remark, his face stayed stern and his jaw, clenched. Due to his intent gaze, I spoke again.

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