Chapter Forty-Seven: Blood

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Indie's Point of View:

Thaddeus was laying in front of me, the hospital had finally released him. I sat on the edge of the bed, watching his tattered chest rise and fall. The pack medical team had to remove bullets from his chest. I was confused, because I had been told that wolves heal almost instantly — but, there was one thing I wasn't told. Silver hurts wolves, it deteriorates them and it takes much longer to heal. With too much sterling silver injected — whether that may be with a needle, a bullet, etc., — a werewolf can go insane, losing the ability to control when he/she shifts.

There was a bullet wound on his abdomen, as it was scabbed over now. The surrounded area was purple and grey, veins protruding as his body worked hard to release all of the metal from his system. I felt the pain of the wound as well. Every time he shifted, I winced — feeling the familiar burning sensation. His mouth was slightly parted, in a deep sleep. Every now and then, his body would shift towards mine, his arm extending. I couldn't help but flinch, a deep ache forming in my chest when he instinctively moved towards me whilst sleeping.

I pulled my legs up, resting my chin on my knees as I watched him. As I began to doze off into a deep sleep, I heard a small groan come from Thaddeus' lips. He turned over, peeling his entrancing eyes open so that he was staring directly at me. His eyes lit up slightly, as he reached a hand out to cup my face. I dodged his touch, making hurt flash over his honey colored eyes. He sat up from his position, his hand still in mid-air — it was like in that moment, he had remembered what he had done to me just a week ago. His hand traced the place where he marked me forcefully, making me flinch. I felt the annoying burn form in my eyes, blinking vigorously as he gently touched it with the tips of his fingers. He clenched his jaw, his eyes darkening from sadness as he saw how I now reacted to his touch.

"Indie..." He said breathlessly, his voice raspy from sleep. I shook my head, not wanting to give into any kind words he had to offer me. I felt a lonesome tear trail down my face, the feeling of being overwhelmed yet again creeping up my chest. My heart felt heavy as I rubbed my under eyes vigorously. I couldn't keep crying in front of him.

I stood up from my position, turning around abruptly to walk outside. I needed fresh air. I opened the door to the balcony, not looking back. I rested my elbows on the edge of the barricade, burying my face into my hands. It was hard to stifle back sobs as I heard Thaddeus weakly walk towards me.

"Please do not cry, kitten." His voice was cracking, and I felt a large, warm palm being placed on the small of my back. Much to my distaste, another loud sob broke from my mouth. Tears ran down my face, clumping my eyelashes together as I bawled like a helpless child. Everything was too much, far too much than I could handle. I felt him gently grab my waist, turning me around. Then, his strong arms wrapped around me. My body felt so frail and tired, exhausted from the sleepless nights as I waited for Thaddeus to wake. My head was buried in his bare chest, his warm skin pressed to my cheek. He ran his hand through my hair, kissing the top of my head as if it were the last time he would ever see me. My body trembled as I sobbed, giving into his touch. His warmth enveloped me like a blanket, as he began to run a hand soothingly up my back. My tears made his chest wet, as I listened to his heart beat steadily.

"Please, don't cry. It breaks me into a million pieces."

"You broke me into a million pieces. How could you do that?" I pulled back from him abruptly, staring him in the eyes. He looked down at me, his eyes wide  with hurt. "How could you mark me like that, do something that is so intimate and intense in front of everyone? How could you not ask me? How could you not tell me what was happening?" My voice raised louder, as I backed away from him.

"We need to go inside, it's cold out. You will get cold." I scoffed, hysterically laughing at his remark.

"What, so you're just going to change the subject?" I threw my arms up angrily, not allowing him to come one step closer. He grunted, and within seconds I was thrown over his shoulder, his arms tightly encircled around the back of my thighs.  We entered in back to his room, as he closed the balcony door behind him. I groaned in frustration, was I a fucking rag-doll?

He gently set me down, placing me on the bed. He moved to get his duvet, wrapping it around my shoulders. In that moment, I didn't know if my teeth were chattering because of the cold or because of how absolutely livid I felt. His arms lingered on me for a second, making me shift back until I hit the headboard of the king-sized bed.

"You can't touch me right now, Thaddeus. Stop fucking stalling." I cried weakly, burying my face into my hands again. He was silent for a few moments, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts. He growled, moving at lightening speed until he was in the bed as well. He roughly wrapped his arms around me, holding me in his lap as he rocked me slowly — as an attempt to call me down. I gave into his touch, his arms strongly wrapped around me. I knew I had no chance of escaping him.

"I had to, Indie. Please."

"Had to?!" I shrieked, my face turning red in anger.

"To protect you. I had to feel the mate pull at it's whole, or else I wouldn't of been able to protect you. I was far away, I wouldn't have been able to assure your safety if I hadn't of marked you." He said softly, his mouth daringly close to my ear.

"Why wouldn't you tell me what was going on?" My voice kept cracking miserably. He frowned, watching the tears fall down my face and onto the bed spread. He lifted his hands to cup my face, using his thumb to dry my wet cheeks.

"I couldn't scare you." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his weak response.

"You scared me more by not telling me what was happening."

"I'm sorry, Indie." He looked away from me, staring at the wall behind us. I groaned, rubbing my face.

"Tell me what happened, now." I felt myself begin to lose my patience.

"The werewolf community believed that the feud that existed between the witches and wolves was long gone. I mean, hell, its been hundreds of years. I was mistake. One of them found out that you were my mate, and I guess they didn't like it. They wanted to take you back, Indie."

"And why would witches want me me back?"

"Because you have witch blood in you. It's why you can hear other people's thoughts, little one."

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