Chapter Forty-One: Alter Ego

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Indie's Point of View:

        I was currently laying on the huge sofa in Thaddeus' private home. The fire place was radiating heat onto my body, giving me a cozy and comforting feeling. Fluffy blankets were tightly wrapped around me, as a I heard Thaddeus rustling around in the kitchen. I could hear the sound of the kettle whistling, and before I knew it Thaddeus was standing in front of me with a cup of piping hot tea. The nostalgic smell of chamomile wafted to my nose, as I happily thanked him.

He lifted up the blanket, sitting down next to me. Naturally, I laid my head on his shoulder. In response, he growled playfully, lifting me up so thy I was completely on top of him. He held me close into his chest, a feeling in which I would never fully get used to. I snuggled into his warmth, smiling when I heard him sigh — he was relaxed. His muscles unclenched as I traced my fingertips around his defined chest. I loved being in his lap, his arms wrapped around me — protecting me from the entire world. He turned on some documentary about the death penalty, and I frowned.

"Hm... no. Let's watch The Hateful Eight, or Kill Bill."

"Quentin Tarantino, yeah?" He said lowly, squeezing my tightly to him. I felt like a tube of toothpaste when he did this. I nodded, meeting my eyes with him.

"Anything written and directed by Tarantino is the best. His work is satirical, cynical, funny... You name it. Not only that, but the dialogue he writes is completely amazing. Also, Uma Thurman in Kill Bill is basically a metaphor for how kick-ass women are, and how it's practically impossible to stop any pissed-off woman."

"I believe Uma is your secret alter-ego." He chuckled, rummaging through Netflix before he chose the movie. I clapped my hands like a child, giddy to see the movie I had already watched an innumerable amount of times. "Oh wait," I said. "Can I go get changed? This dress is making me feel like a beached whale after all of that food." He nodded, showing me where his room was. I closed the door gently, opening up his drawers and rummaging through them. I found a pair of boxer shorts and a thick grey jumper, and the fact that they smelled like him made my heart warm. I pulled off my dress and tights as well as my undergarments, pulling on the the clothing. His grey jumper went down to just above my knee, reminding me how huge he was. As I walked out, Thaddeus saw me — and his eyes darkened. I insecurely wrapped my arms around my chest, scurrying back to the couch and crawling under the blankets so that I could be on his chest once more.

Halfway into the movie, I felt a trail of open-mouthed kisses on my cheek. He peppered them across my jaw onto my neck, making me moan quietly without even realizing it.

"Let me know if you would like me to stop. You just look too good to resist right now, Indie. You're really testing me," He placed more kisses on my neck, making me squirm nervously. I felt him suck gently on the skin, making my heart drop — in the good kind of way. I traced my finger across his sharp jawline, making him nip at my skin. I could feel my heart racing all over again, my body feeling overridden with need and want.

"You look delectable in my clothes," He murmured against my skin, his chin now resting on my collarbones. "Especially considering that I can see these through my hoodie." He traced my nipple with his fingertip through the hoodie, making my eyes widen as I gasped. I huffed, frustrated that I couldn't feel his hands against my skin. I pulled the jumper up slightly, exposing my bare waist as I set his hand there. He growled in pleasure, tracing soothing circles with his calloused thumb on my skin. Familiar goosebumps rose across my stomach, making me shudder with anticipation. His hand slowly began to push the hoodie up, careful to make sure it was okay with me.

Eternity seemed to pass before my chest was completely exposed to him, as he took the jumper off of me. His eyes stayed locked with mine, as he was hovering over me. He traced patterns on my hips with his fingertips, my body moving towards him. I always had felt so insecure about my belly, but something about him made me feel so comfortable with the skin I was in. His eyes darkened with my reaction to his touch, his face stern and his jaw clenched tightly. He moved from my hips to my waist, before tracing his fingers across my lower stomach.

"Ita splendida." He mumbled, pressing a kiss right above my navel. I squirmed again, loving the way his lips felt on me — how messy and tousled his shiny black locks looked; framing his face perfectly. "Mm," he lustfully muttered as he looked at my chest. He gently touched the side of my breast where it curved, making the familiar ache between my legs reappear. I suddenly felt his warm mouth latch around my nipple, making me groan. He sucked, his tongue tracing around the sensitive skin as he fondled the other.

"I could do this for hours," He mumbled, his voice husky and deep. He rested his head on my bare chest, keeping one in his mouth as he locked his obsidian eyes with mine. He dotted wet kisses all around them, not missing a square inch. He sucked in various areas around my chest, leaving purple and blue love bites all over me. His hands roamed up and down my upper half, his warms hands splaying across my stomach and the bottoms of my breasts. He would occasionally run his hand over my breast, his large and warm palms cupping them gently before giving them kisses; individually. His hands went down to my hips, squeezing them softly. I was in heaven, to say the least.

I sat up, pulling at the edge of his shirt so that he could take it off. He complied, sexily pulling the shirt off of his defined body. I watched with amazement as his chest muscles clenched, and how there were so many prominent veins running up his huge forearms and biceps. I reached my hand out to trace them, starting at the tops of his hands. I heard a soft growl come from his lips, making my face blush yet again.

"Indie... It is becoming difficult for me to control myself." His voice was strained and deep, his eyes switching from obsidian to a lighter gold color within seconds.

"Then don't." I replied, my voice shaky and barely above a whisper.

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