Chapter Fifty-One: The Treaty

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Indie's Point of View:

I choked on the water I was sipping, my eyes widening. I coughed awkwardly, trying to calm my breath as the crowd erupted in loud applause. "Thaddeus, Thaddeus what is happening? I thought you were too young, how were you chosen?" I tugged at his arm, and he looked down at me with sorrowful eyes. Men greeted him to shake his hands, patting his back as people cried with joy. I continued to pull at the his hand, trying to get some sort of explanation, but he just looked at me with big eyes. After all Mila had told me about Thaddeus having no chance of somehow being chosen, I wasn't worried. The details of this concept were still very vague to me, filling my mind with worry.

I felt Thaddeus' hand move to my lower back, urging me up the steps with him onto the huge stage. I hesitated, looking up at Thaddeus again before he gave me a stern look. I clenched my jaw, putting my head down to avoid gazes from the hundreds of people surrounding us. "Congratulations, Mistress of the Wolves." I heard someone mutter. I wanted to disappear into thin air at the title, but I smiled softly.

"Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am shocked, for lack of better words. However, I plan to protect you — every single one of you — alongside my mate, Ms. Indie Phoenix." He cleared his throat, looking at me with brows raised high. The look he was giving me only heightened my panic, I was not cut out to be some 'Queen' icon. "This will take some adjusting, but thank you, again. It is truly an honor." The crowd screamed and applauded in joy, roasts being made across the magnificent ball room. I stood there like a deer in headlights, not knowing what to do.

"Would the Mistress like to say anything, Great Alpha?" Someone yelled from the crowd. Mother of It seemed like in that moment, the spotlight was on me. My face turned bright red, my heart pounding vigorously fast. Hundreds upon hundreds of eyes were solely on me, the room so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "I, uh..." I sputtered, my entire body feeling hot from embarrassment.

"It's okay, amica mea." Thaddeus whispered into my ear slyly, rubbing my lower back.

"It's an honor, t-thank you." I said quietly, stuttering on my words. I had no idea what was even going on, what was I supposed to say? Then, Thaddeus swooped in like a superhero — like he always does. "Indie is the strong, most fierce young woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She balances me, she completes me as a puzzle piece of a human being. The Moon Goddess blessed me dearly when pairing me with her. I thank those above every single day for her." I blushed furiously, cooing coming from the crowd as he kissed my hand. The lights were blinding, as I soon felt it hard for me to breathe as everyone's eyes on me. Thaddeus seemed to have noticed, because within a few seconds we were off the stage. He shook some more hands while I awkwardly stood there, in shock. He continued to rub circles on my lower back, before pressing a kiss to the side of my head. I tugged at his hand, pulling him aside in the next room; which looked much like an old-fashioned parlor.

"Indie, I didn't think this was going to happen, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I love you." I cupped his face, making him lean into my hand. "I just don't know what this all entails. Will you have to leave Whiteoak?" He sighed, clenching his jaw tightly. I raised a brow at him.

"Indie, we will have to do some traveling."

"We? I can't just leave my home, Thaddeus. I have school here, I have work. I'm in medical school now, I can't just leave after all of my hard work. I need to stay here."

"It's a part of the job, Indie. I have to supervise other packs, keep all of us werewolves in line so that we can stay hidden from society." I shook my head frantically.

"I can't, Thaddeus. You know that. You know I can't leave here. James and Janis gave me a home here, they worked so hard to make sure I could have a place of my own and I actually like it. I feel at peace for once. I can't just up and leave everything unexpectedly. I have to finish school, and work. I have to." He didn't make eye contact, instead he looked far off — not engaged in what I was saying. "Thaddeus..." I rubbed my temples, not knowing what to say or do. "I'm not cut out for this. I'm not a werewolf, and hell — all of these people don't even know that I'm telepathic; or that I'm possibly even a witch." The words felt unreal coming out of my mouth... witch. I could be a witch. I felt like a character on some teenage supernatural show.

"We will bring your school with you. You will be a doctor, you will achieve all of your goals. I won't let you abandon that, I know how hard you have worked."

"It doesn't work like that. And what about my job?" I thought of Annie, and all of the coworkers and regular costumers I have come to love. I felt safe here, I felt needed and appreciated by everyone around me. I had finally gotten comfortable with those around me, leaving would be a tragedy.

"I'm sorry, Indie. We will be back here often, but I can't refuse this. I was chosen." My face was red, due to how flustered and confused I was. "You can do school online, I will make sure of it. I will figure out something to meet your needs, I swear to you." Before I could reply, there was a loud knock at the door of the room we were currently standing in alone.

"Great Alpha, sir... We are sorry to interrupt, but the treaty signing is about to occur." Thaddeus looked at me sorrowfully, stroking my hair softly with his large hand. He grasped my hand in his, leading me out of the room as we walked up the huge staircase. My mind was overflowed with different thoughts — frustration, nervousness, anxiety. I began to feel dizzy from everything that was going on, including all of the people greeting us simultaneously. Thaddeus and I them came face-to-face with a group of women, all covered in long black dresses. Their hair was all neatly braided, their hands crossed as they studied us. I looked around, not seeing anyone who looked like they could've been my mother. The door shut behind us abruptly, other werewolves guarding us as Thaddeus greeted all of them.

"That is the prodigy..." One of the women said, pointing to me as the others looked with awe-ful looks. Her hair was white from aging, her skin a jaw-dropping caramel color. She took a few steps towards me, making my eyes widen as I hovered behind Thaddeus. Thaddeus growled, outstretching his arm so that I was completely behind him.

"Me?" I scoffed lightly. She was older, and seemed a bit dissociative — not making me take her words entirely serious.

"Ancillary would be thrilled to see you, my dear." Who was Ancillary?

"Ancillary? Who is she?" I questioned, suddenly curious by her words. She smiled softly, reaching a hand out to stroke my face. Okay, this was really weird. That seemed to set Thaddeus off, so he pushed me gently further behind him. "Do not touch her." The witch cackled, the other ones laughing alongside her hysterically. I was more than just a little creeped out. Could Ancillary be my mother? Was that her name?

"We came here for one reason, and for one reason only. You must sign this treaty paper, and agree to never induce violence amongst our people again. Indie has nothing to do with this feud, and you must agree to keep her out of it as well. If not, we will battle. But, I would prefer to avoid that at all costs." Thaddeus said sternly.

'What a fucking brute,' I heard someone think. I whipped my head up, looking around at all of them. 'I know, Persephone. Werewolves tend to be a little... douchebag-y.' 'What is this, why is he treating our prodigy like some object that he owns?' Prodigy? Why did they continue to call me that? I then frowned realizing what spiteful remarks they had made about Thaddeus, studying all of their faces to see who could be saying that about my mate. How dare they?

"Hey, shut the hell up. Don't say that about my mate." I said, moving Thaddeus' arm so I could look at them all directly. Their eyes widened in amusement, their faces smitten with joy. This was certainly a bewildering situation.

'You can hear this, young prodigy?' I heard another thought interrupt my mind. "Of course I can hear you." I replied softly. Thaddeus looked back and forth between us, his face colored with confusion as he tried to pick apart the telepathic conversations we were having. Thaddeus handed the oldest one with the snow-colored hair the assortment of papers, and I gasped as she took at a small quill and dug it into her wrist — blood drawing from the area. She signed it sloppily with her own blood, making me feel nauseous. However, Thaddeus was unfazed. He then did the same thing, before taking the papers and looking them in a small box. I refused to say anything else to the women, despite them constantly trying to communicate with me in my head. As they were leaving, something Persephone said (I believe that's what her name is) caught my attention. She grasped my arm, not a word coming from her lips but only into my mind.

'You are much more powerful than you believe, Indie.' She smiled at me softly, leaving me dumbfounded.

What had just happened?

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