Chapter Fourteen: Don't Get Too Comfortable

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Indie's Point of View:

       I woke up to the sound of booming thunder. I looked outside, seeing as it was foggy, and the sky was tinted a darker blue-grey than usual. I looked beside me, seeing that Thaddeus had drifted off into a sleep, his hand outstretched, pressed to my face. My pulse quickened, feeling suddenly embarrassed by how clingy I must have been. There was something in me that found it almost inevitable to warm him to be around me; to need him around me. I muttered a string of curse words, my face hot as flames as I gently removed his hand. And I grasped his forearm, I felt an excruciating pain shoot through my arm, using a strength that felt inhumane. His eyes flashed open, a deep, dark color that would make anyone fall at their knees in fear. His hand was around my wrist, holding it so tightly that I could feel a snap. He noticed it was me, his eyes pooling with regret and sadness.

"Little one, I am so, so sorry." He hissed under his breath as I pulled my throbbing wrist back, holding it to my chest. It began to swell within seconds, turning shades of purple and red as I bit my tongue, wanting to scream out from pain. "I am so sorry."

"It won't happen again, I am the one would should be sorry." I said through my teeth, my eyes beginning to well as the uncomfortable all-too familiar lump grew in my throat. I shut my eyes, trying to push back the tears. He had already made me cry around him, something I never did around anyone. It made me feel weak, like a frail little girl. I refused to let him see me so vulnerable again, especially after he hurt me this bad.

I started to rush to the bathroom, still clutching my wrist to my chest, as a hematoma formed around the injured area. The pain was unbearable, shooting up my arm in uncomfortable sparks. "Indie, come here." He said softly. I continued to walk towards the bathroom, my eyes yearning to release the tears.

"Come here!" He roared, making me stop in my tracks. What the fuck had I gotten myself into? I hated myself, in that moment; for wanting him near me so bad. All he was going to do was hurt me, he was a masochistic psychopath would probably got pleasure from my endured pain. I felt manipulated, so lured in by his voice and presence, that I forgot the venom that lined his heart and pulsed through his veins. I started trembling, the tears now falling freely down my face.


"Let me see, Indie. Show me your wrist." I stood near the door leading to my bathroom, my back faced to him as I attempted to take deep breaths in through my nose; counting to seven before exhaling. Seeing as I refused to turn around, he approached me, walking until he faced me directly. "Let me fix this, please."

"How could you possibly fix it?" I hissed angrily, biting my tongue in pain as he circled his thumb around the swollen skin. I felt my tears of angry touch my lips, feeling like fire as they trailed down my face; making me feel so weak. He didn't deserve to see me like this. Before I could meet his glance again, canines began to extend from his teeth. I shook my head vigorously, was I really that fucking loopy from the pain? "Do not be afraid."

I stood there, completely dumbfounded by what I had just seen. He then pressed his index fingers to his canine, drawing blood like the small prick of a needle you get at the doctors office. "What the fu-" Before I could finish my sentence, he was circling the punctured finger around my wrist, spreading his blood on the injury.

"You fucking psycho!" I screeched. I pulled my wrist back in defense, clutching it protectively like I had been just moments earlier. His body was still like a stiff board, his eyes glued to me, looking at my wrist. I rushed to the bathroom, scrubbing at my wrist before I looked down, seeing the blood was gone. In fact, everything was gone — the hematoma had vanished, and the skin around it wasn't swollen any longer. In that moment, I knew I wasn't crazy. He had done some witchcraft magic shit on me, healing me. But what about the canines? How does that make any sense? I looked back up into the mirror, seeing Thaddeus' tall stature standing only a few feet behind me.

"Are you a vampire or some shit?" I whispered, my eyes widening. "I've seen the show True Blood, how they can, like, heal people or whatever with their blood. You better tell me right now if you're a motherfucking vampire. Explain."

"A foul mouth doesn't suit such a beautiful woman." He said lowly, making my heart flutter. Fuck this. He was not going to make me drop my panties because of his sexy, rough voice or his impossible to deny good looks. I refused to let that happen.

"Fuck, shit, bitch." I blurted out a string of curse words like a child in spite of their parents, embarrassingly enough. "Twat, dick-" I started saying before be cut off by his deep voice.

"I am sorry for hurting you, Indie. I thought you were someone else, and I am not excusing it." He said, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret. I crossed my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. "And you're sorry for..." I said, waiting for him to continue his apology.

"Yelling at you, making you feel frightened. I am so sorry." I huffed, rolling my eyes defiantly as my heart immediately felt softened by his words.

"So, you're basically a vampire?"

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