Chapter Twenty-Nine: Woman Up

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Indie's Point of View:

I woke up to the smell of evergreens, and fresh sheets. I groaned slightly, my eyes still closed as I touched a hand to my throbbing head. As I shifted the position I was in, I realized that this was not my bed. The familiar scent of Thaddeus overwhelmed my nose, making me sit up immediately. I groaned, yet again, getting whiplash from my abrupt movements. I was in his room — where he had 'kidnapped' me once before. Satin black sheets covered my body, as I suddenly grew angry. I got out of the bed, my feet instantly getting cold as they pressed against the ice-like wooden floor. All I could see, in that moment, was red. I was absolutely, utterly pissed. On top of that, I had an insatiable urge to sock Thaddeus right in the nose.

Why did he think he could just bring me to his home, talk all of his talk, and make me forget about everything? Did I seem that naïve to him? I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me as I stormed down the long, spiral staircase. I followed the sound of indistinct murmurs. To be honest, I had no fucking clue where I was going. The house was absolutely huge, containing at least six floors. However, I continued to follow my gut-feeling of utter despise in order to tell Thaddeus off.

I soon came face to face with at least twenty people in the house. Most of them were drinking coffee, talking amongst themselves. The men were horse-playing, and one of the boys was teaching his sisters, I'm assuming, how to throw a punch.

You know, just normal kitchen activities.

"Where the fuck is Thaddeus?!" I grumbled out, wiping the sleep from my eyes. At this point, I truly couldn't care less if I made a bad impression. The voices came to an abrupt halt, as they all looked at me with confusion and shock. The men, especially, looked taken aback by my aggressiveness and assertiveness. "Damn, girl." A pretty blonde called out, looking around fifteen or sixteen at most. "Go get 'em." She laughed out.

An older woman smacked her on the back of the head, cursing at her in another language. "That is your Luna." The older woman whispered not so discreetly through her teeth. "Oh, shit." The younger girls bad language made me want to cackle as I saw the older woman bop her on the upside of her head again. The cluster of people timidly pointed outside, where Thaddeus was wrestling with another male, as others watched. He had him pinned to the ground, the other man's body defenseless. I automatically assumed it was nothing more than training, due to the fact that they were still in human form.

I stormed out of the door, feeling the rest of the pack's eyes glued to the back of my head. It felt so odd saying that in my head — pack.

The group of shirtless men looked at me, confused as I stomped towards them. I stood up as high as I can, hoping to God that I wouldn't just be condescended. Thaddeus slowly turned around, a smirk splayed on his perfectly pink lips. Thoughts of me previously kissing him invaded my thoughts, but I quickly shook them away. I was not going to just forgive him, and act like nothing happened.

As I came face to face with Thaddeus, I gulped in nervousness. All of the wolves were extremely tall, six foot at least. However, Thaddeus was an absolute giant. Even his stature alone was much broader and stronger than the others. I tilted my head up, looking into his eyes. I had to admit it — it was more than just a little difficult to peel my eyes from his sweat glimmering chest. His muscles were chiseled and carved, he was absolutely God-like. He reminded me of a modern day Zeus. The veins running up his arms were prominent, his chest heaving fast from the previous exercise he had partaken in. The fact that he was so goddamn beautiful pissed me off even more.

"I want to smack you." I huffed. The men surrounding him murmured, laughing at my remark.

"Laugh at me again and I'll knee you so hard in the balls that they come up your throat." I hissed out, glaring at them. Their faces fell silent, the murmurs quieting down as I gave them a stern look. I was so tired of taking shit from people, so tired of being patronized. I wouldn't stand for it any longer. I don't care if these men could easily snap in half with heir two fingers — I demanded respect. I was not some damsel in distress, and I was not going to let some teenage boys mock me.

I looked up again at Thaddeus, the look on his face stern. His eyes were lit up, however, dark as night. They twinkled like stars in the night sky whilst looking at me, and he listened intently to me. I had gotten his attention, thoroughly. For once in my life, I felt powerful and dignified.

"I don't know who you think I am. I don't know if you think that just because of this 'mate pull' or whatever that I will fall at your feet and submit to you, because I surely will not. I don't care who you are, I don't care what I feel for you. When I smell bullshit, I will call you out. You cannot just bring me to my house, and try to act like nothing happened. I saw you slaughter three men last night. Not one, not two, but three. Were they provoking you? Sure. But they were outcasts, they were starved — malnourished. Maybe they were assholes, maybe they deserved it. But you will never, ever do that around me again." I clenched my jaw, not caring that everyone was watching me. At this point, the entire pack of weres were looking at me. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

"Don't not speak to me like that!" He roared, clenching his fists at his sides. His eyes turned the familiar obsidian black that I had seen so many times before. However, I held my ground.

"Or what, Thaddeus? What are you going to do? You barely have my trust now. I don't understand how the fuck your mind works, or how the fuck you think yelling at me will make you trust me anymore. I'm already angry. I have put my foot down. I am not going to be some submissive toy for you, for fucks sake! It is 2018!" I yelled out, throwing my hands up in anger. The air was thick with tension and awkwardness, as people muttered comments under their breath.

"I'm leaving." I said quietly, my body beginning to shake with angry, discouragement, and embarrassment. The familiar lump was in my throat,  feeling like a sharp rock that was cutting into my skin. My chest felt heavy, like someone had put weights on it as I painfully turned away from him. The cluster of weres cleared the path as I tried to keep my head held high, walking away.

"Oh, and don't come looking for me."

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