Chapter Fifty-Eight: Damnation

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Thaddeus' Point of View:

      I watched her as she slept, her face buried into the satin pillow cases. She occasionally moved around, shifting her position or pulling the covers up closer to her chin. I had felt so angry with her before, but now all I felt was regret. I know that no one would ever be able to hurt her, due to our undeniable strong mate bond. However, I hadn't gotten there in time before Zeus had laid his filthy paws on her. I was so busy worrying about my sister that the feelings of pain that transmitted from her mind to mine were almost unnoticeable. Just an hour before, I had destroyed everything in our room. My desk was flipped, there were holes punched in the wall. I let my emotions get the best of me, thus leading Indie to get hurt. Not only that, but she would suffer severe nightmares and anxiety from her kidnapping. It was my fault. She was so deep in sleep that she simply moved around whilst I hit the walls and damaged everything, perhaps thinking they were only sounds in her dreams.

"Thaddeus... was that you?" She grumbled, opening her eyes slowly. She looked at me, her eyes still filled with the same love they always had — making me feel even more regretful. She was unable to see how wrong I had done. She extended her arms to hold my hand, her head still resting on the pillow. I admired the way her long locks fanned across the pillow case, slightly tangled and curly. She took my hand as I stood there in front of her, brushing her fingers across my knuckles. She frowned as she looked at my tattered hands, gently pressing a kiss to them.

"I thought I was having a nightmare. I guess those sounds were very real." She sat up, looking around the room.

"I will help you fix your room." She murmured, her eyes becoming distant. "Our room." I corrected her. "And no, I will do it. You must rest." I know my dry and curt tone set her off, her face becoming red. I couldn't help myself from sounding upset, I had let someone lay their hands on her. I promised to always protect her, but my humanity had gotten the best of me. I was distracted, and I could've lost the most precious thing that has ever happened to me. She shook her head, grabbing my face with her small hands.

"I'm so sorry about Mila. I don't even know where to begin." A single tear shed down her face as the memories hit her. I brushed the tears away. "She's okay, amica mea. She wouldn't die. She was just hurt. You were trying to protect her. She knows you love her."

"She must hate me." Her voice cracked slightly as she looked down. She buried her face in her trembling hands, making my heart ache tremendously. I took a step closer, sitting beside her so that I could hold her small frame. I wrapped my arms around her waist, letting her bury her face in my chest as she cried. My shirt began to gather to wetness of her tears, but I didn't mind. She clutched onto the fabric of my white v-neck shirt, letting me soothe her as she wept. Seeing her cry was as if the moon goddess herself condemned you, it made your heart ache and your world feel as if it were falling apart.

"She will not and could not ever hate you, Indie. She was hurt badly, but she is okay. She is in rehabilitation right now to regain her strength. Us wolves heal very fast, and I know you're not used to that — so it was very scary for you." I sighed into her hair. "She loves you dearly, she knows it was purely a horrible accident. Do not feel regretful, my love. You did what your intuition told you to." She nodded, wiping away at her face. She sniffled once more, before allowing me to hold her there for a long while. I stroked up and down her back, her face still in my chest.

"I am the one who should be sorry." I said, running a hand through my tousled hair. "I let my emotions override my rationale, causing this entire incident to happen. You were kidnapped, taken from me."

"I wasn't frightened, Thaddeus. I knew you were coming for me. It's all okay." She ran her finger down my jaw. "It's not okay, Indie. You cannot see last my bad just because you love me. I wasn't there in time before he hit you, and I almost didn't make it there in time when he was going to violate your body. I have already sent troops to kill all those despicable men in his pack who knew what was going to take place. The counsel has been notified and they will be executed, immediately." I stroked her face. "A man who lays his hands on a woman, threatens to violate her... it's not taken lightly by the werewolf community. It is a sentence to all damnation by the Moon Goddess herself." She nodded, taking in my words.

"Can I go visit her?"

         The entire hospital visit was heart wrenching. As soon as Indie entered the room, she broke down. I held her body as she collapsed, clutching at her chest as she took in Mila. Mila grunted as she sat up, motioning for Indie to come closer to her. Indie took a few steps towards her, hiccups coming from her mouth as the tears streamed relentlessly down her face. I wanted to comfort her and tell her that everything would be alright, but something in me knew that Indie needed closure of her own. As much as I wanted to heal all of her fresh wounds, she needed to guide herself in that direction as well. I sat behind her and she sat on the edge of Mila's bed, Mila gently stroking her hand as she cried and continued to apologize over and over again.

"My brothers mate, my Luna. Do not feel sorry for me, do not feel guilt. You were trying to protect me, and it was an extremely distressed situation. I need to ask for you to forgive yourself. I'm here, I'm alive. I'm okay." Mila murmured, reaching a hand to Indie's face. Indie nodded, sniffling as she wiped the tears away. They held hands and chatted quietly, but the ache in my chest was from Indie's guilt. I pressed a kiss to the back of her head, the weight from her feelings soon lifting off my chest. I wanted to sigh in relief, seeing your soulmate so anxious and ashamed was quite possibly the worst feeling in the world.

"You are my family now, Indie. I could never be mad at you. You are a blessing from the Moon Goddess herself."

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