Chapter Five: Mine

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Indie's Point Of View

I woke up in a cold sweat, on a soft bed. The sheets were black and soft against my skin, and I was changed into a white t-shirt, and basketball shorts. I started panicking, my chest felt as if it were going to close in on itself. I looked around the room, noticing immediately that it was a man's room. Memories began flashing back to me as I remembered the two, huge wolves who were foaming at the mouth, ready to attack me and feed on me. What had happened the other day wasn't a dream, it was real. Wolves kept trying to attack me, and I didn't know why. Could they sense that I was different, not a human? Maybe that smelled good to them, like I was something to feast on?

I pulled my legs to my chest, trying to calm down and analyze my situation. Whose room was I in? I felt my palms start to sweat, all the possible scenarios I could be in right now filling my head. the door freaked, making my small frame jump as I pulled covers up to my chest. A tall frame walked in, and by the broad, muscular shoulders as well as the manly scent I immediately knew who it was.

"Thaddeus?" I said, my eyes widening. I knew instantly that my ears and face were hot.

"What are you, little one?" He asked, sitting at the corner of the bed.

I scoffed. "Little one? We are the same age." I replied, trying to stall as much as I could in response to his direct question. "You're definitely not 26, sweetheart."

My heart rate sped up impossibly more with the nickname as I gulped nervously. He was 26? Had I slept with him? After all, I was only in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Or, was I taken advantage of?

"My sister, Mila, changed you. I hope that's okay. There was dirt and a bit of blood on your clothing, so I put them in the wash." I wanted to so badly ask what had happened, but I couldn't seem to muster up the words. Every time I thought about saying it, I sounded absolutely batshit crazy in my head.

"Indie, what are you?"

I cleared my throat. "I'm um, 18 years old. My last name is Venus. I work at a restaurant, erm..." I scratched my head. How did he know I was different? Every time I tried to read his mind, I could see or hear nothing at all. No matter how hard I tried, it was blank. It had never happened to me before. My sixth sense is so strong, I can hear thoughts up to a mile a day. Now, with this proximity, I can't hear his — and I was perplexed.

"You aren't human, little one. I know you aren't. I can smell something on you, something sweet. I can see this aura around you, making your skin glow like sunlight on a rainy day. You are different, little one, I know you are."

"And what's it to you?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He chuckled, showing his beautiful pearly whites as I attempted to not be completely and utterly mesmerized by his astounding beauty. My fingers wanted so bad to run through his dark, wispy locks, and to trace the small scar he had on his right eyebrow. I had no idea why I was feeling such strange feelings for someone, especially someone I had spoken only a few words with. I was terrified.

"You don't know what I am?" He asked, amused.

I raised an eyebrow, awaiting an answer. He stood up, sighing before running a hand through his hair. His height and muscles astounded me, but I kept redirecting my attention back to his face.

"I need to get out of here, thank you for like, saving me, I think, but I have to go." I quickly got up, half running half walking towards the door with my arms crossed over my chest and my head down. This was all way too weird.

"You aren't going anywhere." He suddenly appeared at the bedroom door in front of me. I looked at him, panic beginning to strike my face. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, feeling a panic attack rising in my chest.

"You are mine, little one."

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