Chapter Twenty-Eight: No Mercy

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Indie's Point of View:

             I held onto the soft fur resting beneath my fingertips, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. The wind rushed past us, making my hair fly in all directions. The forest was a blur — the varying shades of greens looking like a blend of acrylic paints in the darkness. I closed my eyes, somewhat fearful of the speed in which he was running at. He would jump over fallen trees with ease, making me press my body further to him. It was magnificent, really — his muscles rippling under his soft fur as he ran. Despite his size, there was hardly a sound to be heard as his paws touched upon the green earth. The moonlight glimmered against his strong, large figure; as I tried to steady my breath. Deep down, I knew I had nothing to be afraid of. He would never let me get hurt, let alone be the one to hurt me.

I noticed his running had begun to slow, coming more to a trot, much like a horse would. He huffed, his ears peeking up as he looked off in the distance. My heart dropped as he raised his nose, smelling the air. Soon enough, a deep, earth-shattering growl erupted from his chest. I trembled immediately, holding his scruff roughly in my hands as I tried to understand what he was sensing. I heard twigs break in the distance, first delicately and quietly. However, the sounds twigs breaking soon turned into growls. The malicious growls were terrifying, don't get me wrong — but due to Thaddeus', I was much less intimidated. I knew he was the Alpha male.

Deep breaths, Indie, deep breaths, I thought to myself. He wouldn't let me get hurt.

I felt Thaddeus' body shift under me, gently but sternly nudging me to get off of him. I gulped, swinging my right leg over his waist and sliding down gently as he crouched so that I would be able to reach the ground safely.

Thaddeus shifted back into his human form, his chest heaving angrily as he came face-to-face with two rabid looking dogs. I had assumed they were outcasts, or rogues, as Thaddeus would put it. They were foaming at the mouth, and their eyes looked angry and sad. Their frail wolf-forms were much smaller than Thaddeus', and although they were most likely yearning to kill them I still felt a deep sorrow in my chest for them. They were unwanted, unnoticed by the other wolves that had dominated so much property.

Everything from that moment forward seemed like a stop-motion film. Their words were incoherent, and the fact that they were speaking in Latin didn't help much either. I backed away instinctively from the snarling men, my fight-or-flight mode kicking in. I felt absolutely helpless, and before I could intervene, Thaddeus lunged at one of them. I shielded my eyes, backing up even further until I hit a tree trunk and sliding down. I heard screams of agony, begging for mercy as these men had their hearts and throats ripped from their bodies. It was ironic, truly. One moment these men were trying to meekly assert their dominance over Thaddeus, completely dismissing the power he obtained.

I held my hands over my head, my knees clutched tightly to my chest. Although only a few minutes had passed, it felt like an eternity. I was trembling like a leaf about to fall from a tree on a fall's night. The screams, the terror, the growls, the violence.

In that moment, everything became very real to me. I had developed such strong feelings for him, forgetting his reputation. He was ruthless. Many people said it as a joke, but they were right after all. With ease, he killed these men. He acted so differently around me — so gentle, kind, and caring. He was charismatic. However, around others, it was not the same. Everything I thought I knew about him flushed down the drain as my mind began to spin. My stomach was churning, the sudden urge to vomit crossing my mind briefly.

What he had done, just now, was utterly ruthless. He could've easily just snapped their necks — as morbid as it sounds. Instead, he wanted to feel them take their last breath. He wanted to feel their still pulsing hearts in his hand, he wanted to feel the blood trickle down his forearm. He enjoyed hearing them beg for mercy, and I'm fairly sure I heard him let out a demonic chuckle as he killed them. He enjoyed feeling dominant, he enjoyed killing those in his path.

I thought I was beginning to know Thaddeus, but I was wrong. I didn't know him at all.

It was silent, momentarily, as I heard Thaddeus shuffle near me. I soon felt his heat that radiated off of his body — kissing my skin like the sun. I felt tears helplessly trickle down my face, onto my arms. His breath hitched when he noticed my frail, shock-ridden state.

"You cannot love me, little one." He muttered, clutching down besides me. "I know you cannot. Your heart is too pure, your soul is too kind. I want to be enough for you, Indie. I want to so bad, and I am sorry you had to see that. No one I am unaware of comes towards you. I've waited my life for you, and I would do it all over again. I would wait a million years for you," He sighed out. He attempted to move my hands from my head to see my face, but my grip stiffened in protest. My eyes were burning from tears, as I tried to take deep breaths. What had I fallen for?

"You will be angry with me. I can accept that now. At times, you will hate me. You will think I am a cruel monster. But I can promise you this — the softness I have expressed towards you was not a facade to get you to fall in love with me. You bring out something in me, Indie. I have never felt so in touch with my humanity until now." He sternly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. I wanted to continue to fight back, but I was drained from all of my energy.

"The way you cry, Indie... It hurts me so bad. It feels as if someone is stabbing me, repeatedly." His voice softened more and more with each passing second, his pupils dilating as he viewed the tears streaming down my cheeks. I hiccuped, crying softly as I viewed the dead bodies that lie in front of me. The ground was wet with the blood of these unknown people, making my heart ache. I hated myself, in this very moment, for still wanting to love him. I felt a deep, burning anger in my chest.

He wiped the tears from my eyes, as he began to pick me up from the spot in which I was sitting. I hit his back furiously, pounding my fists against his back and chest as he lifted me with ease.

Then, everything was a dark abyss.

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