Chapter Thirty-Seven: Insatiable Urges

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thank you all for ten thousand reads, it means so much to me. i love writing, and you all make it so worth it. thank you for everything y'all do <3 remember that i love you!! also, happy new years — wherever you are; and always be kind to yourself. enjoy this chapter :)

*also, this chapter is gonna be very very sexually graphic. just a warning! u can skip this chapter if u wanna :)

Indie's Point of View:

My lips pressed against his, his plush ones fitting against mine perfectly. Our movements were rhythmic, much like the coming and going of waves on the shoreline. His enormous hands grasped my face, moving down slowly to my waist. I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed his hands down to my waist, ushering for him to hold me closer against him. He responded by crouching down to meet my height, before lifting the back of my thighs. I gasped as he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist as I held tightly onto his strong shoulders. His muscles convulsed under my hands, as I felt his canines extend from underneath our kiss.

He threw me on the bed, making me inhale sharply. I could hardly breathe — my chest was heaving up and down rapidly, my body feeling limp as he stalked towards me like a predator trying to catch it's prey. My body felt as if it were on fire yet again, but this time I had much more insatiable craving. He suddenly placed his hands on my hips, making me buck slightly under his touch. I couldn't take it anymore, it was like I had been overridden by lust for him. I moved his hands lower, wanting him to touch me more. I gasped again when he grasped my bum, my face feeling as hot as ever. His hands roamed my thighs, pushing up the oversized hoodie I had on. He grabbed the back of my bare thighs to pull me closer to him, making me groan in approval.

He pushed up my hoodie, exposing my stomach and the pajama shorts I was wearing. I suddenly felt insecure, reaching my hands to my belly to cover myself. He pinned my wrists down, roughly. My eyes widened as I heard an angry growl emit from him chest.

"What is this?" He stared at my hips, his words feeling like venom. I suddenly wanted to cry. I knew this was all too good to be true. He touched the raised scars on my hips, his eyes completely black with not lust — but anger, and rage. I tried to sit up, but he hands held my hips down. "Do not move, Indie. What did you do?" He snarled. I felt a lump form in my throat, feeling uncomfortable and hurt from what had just happened.

"Get off of me! Stop holding me down." I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I didn't know what to feel — was I humiliated, or just hurt by how harsh he was being towards me? He growled at me again, baring his teeth as I trembled like a leaf from fear. His growls of disapproval shook the bed, making me want to disappear into thin air. In fact, if the bed just hypothetically swallowed me right now, it would be fantastic. Hot tears began to cloud my eyes, making me blink rapidly. I couldn't be so vulnerable all of the time. His hold softened by the smallest fraction, his eyes returning back to their normal color.

"Don't cry, please." He pleaded with a strained voice, tracing my jaw with his thumb. His eyes were soft again, the vein in his neck prominent as he attempted to fully control the anger he was feeling. "Please don't cry." He carefully moved his hands over my bare hips, making me shudder.

"Would you like to discuss why you did this to yourself, Indie?" I shook my head no immediately, my body laying there limp under his intense stare.

"You're so beautiful," He said, kissing my hips. I shuddered from how ethereal it felt. "Everything about you is beautiful, Indie. Your heart, your soul, your gift. It's far from a curse, and when I hear you say that it makes my heart ache. You are incredible. It hurts me so deeply that you would do this to yourself. You are so worthy of all good things, Indie. Never, ever, do this to yourself again. If you do, I will know. I will feel your pain, and I will be here. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for you beforehand. But now, you will never feel this burden of sadness again. I can promise you." His voice held a genuine tone, as he spoke to me with immense thoughtfulness. His hands were placed tightly on my naked waist now, holding me as if I would just disappear. My pulse calmed from his kind words, as I tried to catch my breath from the previous humiliation I had just felt. I was so frustrated by emotions. I had just been about to cry, and now I wanted to jump his bones. I covered my face in embarrassment, groaning in embarrassment.

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