Chapter Seventy-Six: His, Eternally

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Indie's Point of View:

The funeral had taken a few months to plan, which was a very long time in juxtaposition to a "regular" funeral. Because my mother was a witch, there were many ceremonies to be held. Although I found it difficult for me to face the fact that the woman who gave birth to me was gone, I felt peace in my heart. I knew she was dancing blissfully in the clouds, free from the chains of addiction that had strapped her down like a straitjacket for so long. I had gone to every one of the funerals and ceremonies, receiving crystals and other holistic medicines for my grieving. Wren had been by my side the entire time, and I found myself building a deep relationship with her. She would often tell me that I was the "strong one," and that she needed me. We continued to lean on each other for the next few months, taking time to know the ins and outs of each other; along with getting to know our culture and roots.

We became close with the witch community as well. Despite the previous turmoil between witches and weres, all major issues were resolved and forgotten of — due to the fact that I was the leading Luna of the world, and also an infamous witches daughter. I'd like to think that somehow I helped to resolve these petty issues that have lasted for centuries, but time was also a great factor in this healing process.

Currently, I was laying in the bathtub, listening to Amy Winehouse. I lathered the soap on my body, tucking stray pieces of hair behind my ear as I relaxed. The door was wide open, as I watched Thaddeus continue reviewing papers and signing them messily. He continued to look over at me, making my skin turn bright red. Every time he looked at me felt like the first time. Our love and lust was undying. He leaned back in his chair, taking off his black-rimmed glasses. He then crossed his hands over his lap, his eyes darkening with lust as he watched me.

"Why are you still so far away?" I chuckled, resting my head on my arms on the edge of the bathtub. In less than a second, he was at the edge of the tub, grabbing my face with his hands and pulling me up for a kiss. I squealed as I felt my legs slip a bit, and before I could process what was going on, Thaddeus scooped my wet body out of the bath. My long wet hair dripped on the tile floor, the cold air hitting my skin.

"You think you can just tease me like this? I was
trying to do work, amica." I shrugged, not breaking our eye contact as he laid me on the bed. I spread out my arms and legs, completely exposed to Thaddeus. Over time, I had finally become fully comfortable with him. I didn't feel the need to cover myself up anymore. He loved me for all of me. He began to lean down to press kisses on my naked body, but I stopped him.

"You're a bit overdressed, yeah?" I giggled against his neck. He quickly tore his shirt off of his body, along with the rest of his clothes.

Thaddeus' Point of View:

Every time I looked at Indie, I was in awe. Her body was at the hourglass, with hips perfect for grabbing. They were littered with white marks, signifying her growth. Her breasts were supple, her legs soft and perfect to squeeze. Her face was the shape of a heart, with freckles all over. Her wet hair fanned out across the pillow case, making me want to pull it. "You're so beautiful. More beautiful than any work of art I've seen before. I could worship you, amica mea." I let the words tumble out of my mouth as I pressed kisses to her chest, and her stomach. She moaned softly, making my body tense even more with lust. I began to suck on her breasts, twirling my tongue around them as I teased her entrance with my tip.

"Thaddeus... wait." She said breathlessly. I lifted my face from her body, looking at her with curious and lustful eyes.

"Do you think we should... we could... try?" She said. Her face was flushed red, and I could practically hear her heart pounding against her rib cage. I lifted a brow, perplexed by her words. She then covered her face with her hands, causing me to frown. I pulled her small hands away from her freckled face, locking my eyes with hers.

"What do you mean, baby? Try for what?"

"Oh god. This is so embarrassing. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm only 20, I shouldn't want this, but I do. I know you're my soulmate, I know I will be with you forever. But hell, we aren't even married yet. I'm foolish for asking this. Just please forget I said anything." She groaned, putting her face into the pillow.

"Indie, try for what?" I asked, still confused.

"A... baby?" Her response sounded more like a question. I instantly wanted to slap myself. Lust really does make you dumb. I chuckled deeply, making her slap my arm. "I'm already embarrassed, Thad! You don't need to make me feel more stupid." She hissed out. I tried to repress my laughs, only somewhat working. "You're being an ass." She stood up, wrapping the sheet around her body. I quickly grasped her wrist, holding it in mine securely.

"Indie, do you know how long I've wanted this? For you to ask me this? I was willing to give it all of the time in the world. I'm laughing because I was completely oblivious to what you were saying. Indie, I would love nothing more in the world than to have a child with you. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I've craved that." I whispered sincerely, making the red tint on her face dim more and more by the second. What I was saying was true, my heart was practically exploding from her suggestion. Ever since Indie had entered my life, my hard exterior had been slowly cracked away. She taught me love, humanity, compassion, and empathy. As a teenager, if someone had told me that I would be a changed man from love, I simply wouldn't believe them.

I grabbed her face, holding it securely in my hands — the feeling of her body against mine giving me a peace of mind; something I thought I would never have. Her soft flesh pressed against my chest as we made love, never breaking eye contact. I slowly pressed kisses all along her face as we listening to the sound of the rain pattern against our rooftop.

For the rest of the evening, we told the tales of our love story with passionate kisses. With every caress, there was another "I love you." The way my name fell from her lips still gave me goosebumps and made flowers bloom in my once malignant soul.


Indie's Final Point of View

     I laid with Thaddeus on our bed, his eyes closed as he slept. His dark and entrancing eyelashes fluttered against his cheekbones as I studied the face that had become a home to me. If I moved one bit, he would pull me impossibly closer to him. The rain was pattering on our rooftop, reminding me of the day we met. I smiled softly, pressing a delicate kiss to the exposed skin on his chest.

There are many things I felt uncertain of in my lifetime. I would often find myself overthinking the littlest of things. Up until now, I had felt lost. I was isolated, and that loneliness had planted itself in my lungs like a weed that just wouldn't go away. It would squeeze painfully every so often, reminding me that I was alone. When I met Thaddeus, that changed. Within his arms I had built a home with the sturdiest of walls. With his love I had created my own steel armor.

There was much unknown to me, still; such as what power I held and how I could use it. I had endless amounts to learn regarding my people, but I knew all would come in time. For now, it was just about taking every day slowly, and cherishing where I was at now. Although many things remain unanswered, I did know one thing for sure in this crazy life.

I was His, Eternally.

The End

i know this is a cliche ending, but after everything indie went through while trying to create herself and love herself, she deserves it. she is by far a very interesting character, the most interesting character i've had the pleasure to create. i love you all, thank you for your ongoing support. there will be no sequel to this book, but i am writing another story called "cross my heart" that i would love for you guys to check out. thank you so so much, holy shit. i can't say this enough. i'm so sorry lmao. but you guys seriously make me so happy. writing is my escape, and i'm so glad that i can give others something to look forward to every week, even if it's small.

all of the in the world,

c <3

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