Chapter Seven: Anticipating the Fall

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Indie's Point of View

I woke up in a cold sweat, finding myself in the bed I was in previously when I first got to Thaddeus' house. His oversized shirt stuck to my back, as I ran my hands through my tangled hair. I soon as my hands touched my head, I hissed in pain, feeling a cold, wet substance on my hairline. I brought my fingers down, inspecting blood that was beginning to dry up, along with a wet cloth that was pressed to the wound.

"Is your head okay, little one?" I heard a husky, deep voice from across the room. I looked up through my lashes, taking in the astonishing beauty that was standing before me. His hair was tousled, like he had run his hands through it many times before. His eyes, dark and striking as he gazed at me. As he started to walk closer, I back further into the mahogany bed post.

"Don't come any closer, I will scream." I threatened him. A look of anger flashed his eyes, but it was quickly gone as he nodded slowly. "What time is it?" I asked through my teeth, my jaw clenching in anger. I wanted out of here. I needed out of here. I wasn't going to wait for anyone to save me, because let's face it, who would come looking for me? I had just moved here, not even 48 hours ago. No one knew who I was, let alone cared.

"12:30." He grumbled, still studying my every move along with my face.

"I have to go to work." I began to get up, holding my head in pain. I stumbled, holding onto the near bedside table, as the lamp on it rattled from holding on for dear life. "No." Was the brisk reply I got.

"I am going. You can't stop me. You may be, like, double my weight and have double my strength but there is one thing I can guarantee you. If you let me live my life, I will never tell anyone a word about this." My heart began tearing in to as I said this, not knowing if the pain was leaving him or what would happen if my face was plastered all over the town. I needed a new start, and I would do anything to get that.

"I need to keep you safe. You are mine, little one."

I scoffed, putting my a hand on my hip. "Absolutely not, Thaddeus-whatever your last name is. I am not here to be your little helpless girl you can do whatever you please with. In fact, you keep me locked up here and I'll make it my personal vendetta to piss you off every second I'm here. I am my own person. I mean, jeez, if I'm 'yours'" I air quoted the word sarcastically, mocking his voice, "couldn't you just take me out on a date? No, now you can't because I think you're some psychopathic-cult-leader-monster. And whose fault is that? Surely not mine."

For a moment, I thought I saw a small smile begin to tug at the ends of his plush lips, but his eyes darkened. "I will watch you, small one. I will be there, always, whether you like it or not." I grabbed my jeans off the floor, along with my semi-dirty work-shirt, before running into the bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief. He wouldn't keep me here. My gut was telling me to run to the nearest police station, and tell them what would happen, but then I knew what would occur. I would be all over the news, my face everywhere. Everyone would stare at me, ask me what had happened... I would never get left alone, not in a town as small as this one. I sighed, slumping against the bathroom door as I clutched my clothes to my chest.

I quickly stripped and changed, before unlatching the nearest window in the bathroom. I had to do this before he changed his mind. It was at least a 20 foot jump, I gulped as I tiptoed towards the edge of the roof, gasping when one of the shingles cracked under my feet. Then, I jumped.

Jumping from this high of a balcony, knowing when you hit the ground it would be excruciating felt like that moment when you're about to fall asleep and you feel yourself 'falling off a cliff'. Only now, I knew I wasn't dreaming. I braved myself for the impact, shielding my arms over my head. Before I knew it, I was enveloped in strong, warm arms before I could hit the ground — almost as if he were anticipating me there. His hand was protecting the back of my head, as he held me close to his grasp. The feeling of his thinly shirt-clad chest made my heart face as he held me so incredibly close to him. Sparks erupted like flames on gasoline across my body, sending waves of comfort and tranquility to my brain. How could someone's touch, especially my kidnappers touch, feel so euphoric?

He set me down, before looking sternly upon me. My heart race picked up again, something it never seemed to stop doing when I was around him.

"You've could've asked me to go through the front door, little one. You could have been hurt. Never do this again." He whispered through his teeth into my eye. I shuddered, nodding before walking to the dirt path that lead to the diner.

What the hell was happening to me?

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