Chapter Three: Maybe I'm Crazy?

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      I woke up to the feeling of the breeze on my skin, shuddering from the cold. I sat up, realizing I was laying on the forrest floor. I groaned as I rubbed my head in pain, feeling I must've hit it hard on the ground. What happened?

Images of vicious, snarling wolves started replaying in my head as I leaned against a tree, not knowing what was real or fake. I sat their in silence for a few minutes, my arms tightly wrapped around my legs, for I was too scared to move in any way -- fearing a wolf would hear me and try to attack me. I peered up from my knees, seeing a dead wolf in front of me and a large rock. Was I forced to kill this beautiful creature in self-defense? I held my head in my hands, feeling dazed and confused as I stood up and walked away slowly, tears forming in my eyes.

Even the wolf had attacked me, I still felt so incredibly guilty for killing an animal. Hell, I wouldn't even kill spiders, even when my mother was screaming in horror at the top of her lungs -- I couldn't't bring myself to killing another being.

I checked my watch, my eyes widening as I checked the time. 11:34. I had to be at work at twelve! I muttered a string of curse words as I tried to divert my eyes from the deceased wolf and run back to my cabin. Even though I felt horrible guilt, I was too focused on actually getting to work on time. As I finally reached my house, I sprinted through the door, slamming it shut before stripping off my clothes whilst walking into the bathroom.

I let the hot water run over my skin, relaxing my muscles as I scrubbed my body with vanilla shower gel, and scrubbed my hair vigorously. I shaved my legs as quickly as I could, cursing when I nicked my knee. I hurridely got dressed for work, throwing on panties and a Calvin Klein sports bra with high waisted skinny blue jeans, before tucking my new work shirt in.

I sighed a breath of relief when I got to my work, Whiteoak Diner, realizing it was merely a five minute walk. As soon as I walked in, I put up a protective barrier to try to block out all of the voices. I cringed when I heard nasty, sexual things about me being thought by some of the costumers. I was snapped out of my thoughts as a lady with red hair greeted me. She was tall, slender, with chocolate brown eyes and a warm smile. "Hi, darlin', you must be the new girl?" She asked, reaching her hand out to shake mine. "Oh, yeah, that's me." I said quietly, internally slapping myself for being so awkward.

"And what's your name, dear? I'm Annie." She said, flashing me her pearly whites again.

"My name is, uh, Indie. Indie Venus." I said, my face flushing a slight shade of red. I have absolutely no clue on how to socialize with people, given the I've isolated myself for so many years.

"Indie? That short for anything?"

"No, just plain Indie. I guess my mom liked it because she liked indie style music, or alternative." I laughed awkwardly, shifting my stance. "Well, Indie, which is a lovely and unique name, by the way, I will teach you the whereabouts." Annie grabbed my hand, showing me the menu, the numbers of the tables, how to hold platters and more. Not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of myself for being direct and asking her questions. At first, I was extremely nervous because of my lack of social skills. However, Annie treated me like a friend and was patient with me.

"So, do you wanna start out tonight by being a waitress? Don't worry, Tuesday's are generally very slow and you'll probably get at most, like, 3 tables. But hey, it's good money." I nodded, taking a bold risk. Oh god, I thought to myself, hopefully I won't be awkward and I can keep my mind barrier up, I just want to be normal, I just want to feel normal... Plus, I seriously need this money.

Annie seemed to sense my nervousness, so she placed her hand on the back of my arm with a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry, babe, you need any help at all and I'll be right here." I nodded, giving her a thankful smile. At least I have a friend here.

I spent the next few hours cleaning tables, meeting my coworkers, and learning about Annie. She was a single mom, who had twins at 18 -- Darby and Jacob. She was doing community college right now, working towards her degree in teaching. I learned that Whiteoak was a town just shy of 800 people, and everyone knew everyone. While me and Annie were talking, the bell rung, signaling people had come into the empty restaurant. I straightened my shirt and small apron, my heart beat intensifying as I looked down embarrassedly. "Hey, you got this, girl" she pushed me ahead, kicking nudging my butt with her foot. I laughed, before taking a deep breath and greeting the guests.

"Hi, do you guys need men-" I looked up, only to have my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. In front of my was the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my entire life, over a foot taller than me. I gulped as I unpeeled my eyes from his broad chest and shoulders, looking up into his eyes. He has dark, soft hair, stubble on his jaw, and his chocolate eyes were entrancing. His olive skin showed he was most likely Greek, or Italian. No... Definitely Greek. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his skin as he stared at me, sending butterflies to my tummy. I needed to snap out of it, holy shit. I shook my head, looking back down as soon as I realized that he was accompanied with people. "Menus, right..." I chuckled, grabbing menus before assigning them a table. My face and ears felt as if they were on fire. However, my heart was swelling as I swooned over the mysterious man. Even from feet away, I could feel his gaze on my small frame, almost as if he was anticipating for me to turn around.

What the hell was going on?

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