Chapter Forty-Eight: Eclipse

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Warning: sexual content ahead.

Indie's Point of View:

      I choked on my spit when he said that. My eyes widened, open and full like the moon on an eclipse. I sputtered, not knowing what I could say. Hell, I didn't even know how to react. I shook my head, scowling. "No, you're wrong. I'm not. I'm telepathic. Witches cast spells, and do magic. I'm not that." I laughed nervously. His face fell, running his large hand through his tousled hair dark locks. He sighed loudly, pacing around the room. I sat on the edge of his bed, watching his strides he tried to gather his thoughts.

"It's not like that. Witches don't just make spells and mix potions in the darkness of the night. There are branches. You are a powerful woman, a woman with abilities that most wouldn't believe. I've never met anyone with your skills. There's more than this than just telepathy, Indie. I know you are capable of much more, we must find out though. This is the only conclusion I can come to." He nervously looked away, grinding his teeth slightly. I raised a brow at him, standing from my position.

"There's something you're not telling me."

He sighed again, this time more breathless than before. He scratched the back of his neck, not making direct eye contact with me. "What is it? Thaddeus, I swear to God. I will leave right now and damn well not come back if you hide anything else from me. I swear I will. If you want me, you have to tell me everything. I'm not going to be lied to, or kept in the dark. I need to kn-" He cut me off, by clearing his throat.

"I think I saw your mother." I looked up at him as he sat down next to me. I felt my heart sink deep into my stomach, making me feel automatically nauseous. It couldn't be. I thought by now, she would be gone. She spent years of her life abusing drugs and alcohol, running from the police just for the thrill of it. She was a wild heart, traveling around the world, couch-surfing. She did risky things — heroin was her kryptonite, from the things I've gathered about her. I assured myself in my teenage years that I wouldn't have to ever deal with the pain of seeing her and meeting her, telling myself that there was no way she could be alive after all the damage she had done to her body. It's cynical and cruel, but I couldn't bare the thought of wondering what life would've been like if I was never adopted.

"H-how do you know?" I choked up, my britches hitching in my throat.

"Her eyes, Indie. They're just like yours. They have the same brown birth mark, just like the one on yours," He stroked my cheekbone, making me close my eyes. My chest suddenly felt like the entire weight of the world was on it. "She has that same shade of blue in her left eye, the color of the sky. It's bright, and magical. The other one is green, the same emerald green as yours. She had your hair, cascading down her back — however, it was streaked with grey. I had a gut feeling." I started panting now, feeling overwhelmed by everything he had just told me. I clutched my chest, trying to calm my nerves. I felt Thaddeus place a hand on my cheek, forcing him to look at me.

"Did you kill them?" My voice cracked. He turned his face, his jaw clenching. He didn't need to give me an answer, his silence was all of the closure I needed. "Not whom I suspected could be your mother." His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. "I had to, for just a few. They were going to take you from me." I laughed hysterically, standing up.

"You sound insane! Only a few? How do you say that so nonchalantly? What if these people were the only ones like me, what if they're almost extinct?! I'm not a doll that you can keep in your closet, like some souvenir. I'm a human being. I'm not yours, I'm not anyone's. I will never be anyone's, and frankly, I don't know why I fell for your stupid trap. You're a murderer, Thaddeus. I'm so fucking stupid. I looked past your monstrous side, trying to see the best in you. You are crazy. Leave me the fuck alone." I cried out hysterically, screaming at the top of my lungs. I knew the entire pack house could hear me, but I didn't care. I felt numb.

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