Chapter Sixty-One: My Muse

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guys i'm so sorry these updates have been kinda late, 3rd quarter of junior year is kicking my ASS. i hope you're all doing well and enjoy xoxo

also, here's a song that i love very deeply — it reminds me of this chapter. please listen :)

Indie's Point of View:

     The rest of the night at the restaurant was spent laughing and talking with Thaddeus, Wren and Mila. I knew I was quiet, but I couldn't help it. I was still overwhelmed and I couldn't stop staring at Wren, making comparisons between our mannerisms and our similarities in appearances. I drew my lip up and huffed as they ordered yet another glass of wine, Thaddeus drinking  another glass of bourbon. I didn't know how Thaddeus and Mila remained so seemingly sober, but it was most likely due to their werewolf genes.

"So when I thought I was straight," Mila squeezed out a laugh, her face red from her giggles. "I brought home this boy when I was fourteen to mom and dad. Thaddeus and them were pissed, telling me I was far too young to bring home a boy to meet the parents. I mean, they were right. Also, Thaddeus kept giving him weird looks the whole night. The boy was scared, and we only dated for a few more months before he came out to me, telling me he was gay. I told him I knew I was gay at that point too." She covered her face in embarrassment. "Every time I tried to kiss him, god, it was so awkward." Wren laughed but tightened her grip on Mila, repressing the urge to show that she was jealous of this boy.

Thaddeus chuckled, amusement glimmering in his honey colored eyes. "I knew, sister. I've always known." They laughed amongst themselves, my nose scrunching at the variety of embarrassing stories they were telling.

"What about you, Indie? What's your most embarrassing story?" Wren asked, raising a perfectly sculpted brow. I shook my head, burying my face into my hands as a collection of memories flashed into my head. "Oh god..." I started. "This may be super TMI, but oh well." Mila placed her chin on her hands, patiently waiting for me to continue.

"It was my very first day of my freshman year and I was wearing light wash denim shorts and a cute long sleeve white shirt. I was so excited to go, I remembering Janis braiding my hair into two dutch braids, might I add the fact that I had blue streaks in it. I remember walking up the stairs to my second period class, desperately finding the area I needed to be in for chemistry. I was already flustered with the huge building, so I didn't notice the fact that I had gotten my first period. I bled through my shorts and had to leave two hours into the school day." I grimaced and laughed, while Mila and Wren laughed along. Thaddeus pressed a kiss to my head, cooing at me.

"Oh my god, that's traumatic." I nodded, trying to push the memories out of my head while I laughed a genuine laugh, something I hadn't done in a long time.

        "Okay T, let's go. I'll be the designated driver." He frowned at me, handing me the keys hastily. I smiled like a child on Christmas morning, jumping happily. "I would say no but you're being a very responsible adult right now." He chuckled. "It's pretty cute." He mumbled, reaching his hand to place on my thigh as I started up the car. I rubbed my hands together as the cold air made goosebumps rise upon my skin, before Thaddeus clasped my hands in his. I smiled lightly, pressing a kiss to his lips.

The moon was beautiful tonight, the light only coming through a sliver of the crescent above. As we approached my house, Thaddeus opened my door, coming to the side of the car I was on with his lightening speed. He quickly unbuckled me and scooped me into his arms, holding me close to his chest as he opened the door. My legs dangled over his arms while I snuggled in close to his natural warmth, tracing my hand up and down his chest. He purred in delight, placing me down on my feet. I sleepily began to walk to my room, stripping off my clothes to change into one of Thaddeus' oversized t-shirt's and boxers. While I was changing, I heard my record player squeaking before playing soft music. I then came face to face with a grinning Thaddeus, whose hand was stretched out for mine.

"Let's dance." He gripped my waist and led me back into the kitchen, intertwining one of my hands with his and placing another on my waist. I stood on my tiptoes to slowly sway to the music with him, before he lifted me up — making me squeal. He placed my feet on-top of his toes, moving gently to the soft hum of the music. I laughed as he lifted me up above him, spinning me around — much like a cliché movie scene. I pressed my face into his neck, basking in the moment as he held me. Trickles of rain began to patter against my rooftop, the rain subtle yet soothing. Thaddeus quietly sang along to the music, horribly off-note, might I add, while I joined him.

"You're my muse."

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