Chapter Sixty-Six: Burn

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Indie's Point of View:

       "How would they have any idea that we are telepathic?" Wren asked, pacing around the room. I sat down, groaning as a burning pain shot up my back. Thaddeus rushed to my side, helping me sit down on the wooden chair.

"I have no idea, but I know it wasn't a werewolf. These were human made bullets, they're underdeveloped and didn't fully go through Indie's back. And, they're wooden." Wren said, inspecting the bullet that was extracted from my back. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing in annoyance.

"Isn't Whiteoak predominantly werewolf?" I scrunched my brows. Thaddeus nodded, looking to the adult pack members. "So that makes the elimination easier. But, if we interrogate them, they will get police officers involved."

"So in other words, we're fucked." I scoffed. The female pack members looked at me and gasped at my crude language. "What? We kind of are. I mean, we can't do anything about this situation except hide. I don't want to spend my entire life hiding. I am in med school, I can't just drop everything for my safety. I have a job, too."

"You don't need a job, Indie. It's too dangerous now. You have a target on you, and until we find the source, you can't." Thaddeus said sternly, turning to face me. I scowled, suddenly wanted to slam my head against the nearest wall. "You don't need a job. I can support you, easily." Wren's eyes widened, the room getting even more quiet with awkwardness. "I don't have a job because I think you can't. I have a job for my own freedom." I retorted.

"Well, I'm sorry. You have to stay in until we can figure this out. I will let Annie know you can't come in. She's a part of the Littlebear Pack, she will easily understand the protection needed for the Luna."

I stood up quickly from my chair, feeling dizzy from the sudden movement. Thaddeus extended his arm to me, helping me move out of the room — much to my distaste. I knew it wasn't his fault; and he was just trying to protect me, but I inevitably felt extremely frustrated. Thaddeus wrapped an arm around my waist before gently picking me up bridal-style and leading me back into his room. The pain on my back was only increasing, and not knowing how these satanic burns got on my skin only freaked me out further. Thaddeus placed me on the bed gently, sitting down next to me.

"I need to take my shirt off, it's rubbing against my burns." I muttered. Thaddeus nodded, helping me lift my shirt off of my head. I covered my chest with my hands, laying onto my stomach. Thaddeus then went to the bathroom, getting a cool wash cloth and gently pressing it to my back. I sighed, feeling instant relief. Thaddeus handed my a blanket to wrap around my half naked body, but the fabric was soft enough so that it didn't hurt at all.

"I'm going to help heal these with my blood, just as I did with your wrist when I accidentally hurt you." I then heard Thaddeus growl lowly, meaning his canines were extended. I felt warm blood drip onto the wound, making me feel sick. It was absolutely disgusting, but I knew it would help reduce scarring.

"I need to go attend meetings I have organized to try and figure out who has done this. I love you."

"You have to go right now?" I whimpered. I just wanted to be held. Thaddeus checked his watch before shaking his head. "No, I have a bit of time. Let me hold you until you fall asleep." I shook my head, sitting back up. "I won't be able to, T." He nodded, beginning to rub my back. My muscles instantly relaxed, and the sensation from the burns lessened immensely. "We're going to figure this out baby, I promise. I talked to my Beta and he said it would be optimal if we left town for a little while."

"And go where?" I asked as he continued to gently trace circles on my back.

"I was thinking maybe somewhere warm and tropical. You need a break, anyway, and it's been cold here in Colorado for far too long." He suggested.

"Oh my god, yes!" My mood instantly lightened up.

"Where could we go?" I asked.

"Anywhere you would like in this world, sweetness. Your wish is my command." My eyes widened, feeling a sudden overwhelming excitement. "I can choose? Really?" I could practically feel my eyes lighting up and the inevitable smile growing on my face. I felt like a child who was just told they were going to Disneyland for Christmas.

"Can we go to Fiji? I know it's a lot to ask and I know it's far away, but holy shit I've never even been outside of the United States. I want to go to the ocean to bad, I've never been. Plus, I've seen pictures and it's so beautiful I can't even fathom it. It would be a dream come true. I-" My sentence was cut off by a deep chuckle from Thaddeus. My face brightened and I scowled. "What?! I'm excited."

"Baby, no, I'm not laughing at that. You're just so giddy and I can't help but be giddy with you. It kind of eradicates my masculinity." He chuckled. "And yes, Fiji it is. I will set up the flight tonight and we will leave as soon as possible. In the mean time, do some online shopping. I'm sure Mila would love to help you pick some swimsuits and clothes. Spoil yourself, you truly deserve it." He said, handing me his heavy debit card. I raised my brows at him, trying to hand it back, but he dodged me.

"Thaddeusss." I groaned, slapping my hand to my forehead. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, before standing up and beginning to strip his shirt off into a button up and jeans. My mouth watered at his beautifully carved body, and dirty thoughts flashed in my mind — making me blush. I would never get used to seeing him.

"Come here." I said, sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed. He came closer, the heat of his body radiating onto mine as I buttoned up his shirt for him. I pressed a tender kiss to his collarbone, making me growl.

"Sweetness..." He said lowly.

"I feel like I don't tell you I love you enough... I love you so much, T. You mean the world to me." I placed both of my hand on his cheeks, making his strong jaw unclench. He leaned into my small hands, closing his eyes. "I'm so lucky." I murmured, pressing another kiss to his skin, this time on his stubbled cheek. He purred lowly, wrapping his arms around me gently — being careful not to hurt me.

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