Chapter Seventeen

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Under the Blood Moon


One year later...

Nikiya and I dance in the living room, laughing at each other. Valerio comes running into the room, his arms flailing around, followed closely by Cauis as he chases after him. I bend and sweep him up into my arms. A hearty laugh shakes him as I spin us. The sound of my son's laughter always puts a huge smile on my face. They say laughter is the best medicine, and I completely agree with that statement.

For the last year, Valerio has been the one to make me feel alive again. His smiles and laughs are contagious. If it hadn't been for him, I honestly think I would still be living in the pool house. Yes, Cauis has of course helped me get back to my true self, but Valerio started it. When I saw him walk for the first time, that's when I started healing from Achilles' attack. My son was growing up, and I was missing it. It took nearly three months after for me to move back into my room with Cauis. At first, I couldn't sleep in the same bed as him, which he understood. Cauis had then bought a fold out couch, that way he could still be in the same room while we slept, which was fine by me. Cauis and I may able to sleep in the same bed now, but we still have not done anything. I'm too scared. Something inside me keeps telling me that if we do become intimate again, all I will see, and feel, is Achilles. I know it's irrational, but I just can't bring myself to do it. We haven't even tried.

It pains me to know Cauis is going without, but he never complains. He never gets angry when I pull away from a heated kiss. I constantly tell him he can take care of it himself, but each time he just says that he went two thousand years without it, and that he can go a little longer. His devotion to me and my recovery always makes me feel grateful for having him in my life. I truly got lucky it was his life I saved so many years ago.

Hope and Miles are better, but Hope still lives in the pool house. Miles has moved in too, but sleeps in the second bedroom. I overheard him and Cauis one day talking. Miles had asked if I still have nightmares, which I do. Apparently, Hope has one at least three times a week. She's getting better though. She's able to come and go from the main house, but still prefers to stay away. The two of them frequently come to the main house for dinner, which is always a great time. There are times, that we all forget about what happened. Those times are truly magical, and are becoming more often. Hope, nor I, have told anyone the details of what happened to us, but things seem to be getting better. We're both dealing with it in our own ways, and moving on with our lives.

Hope had started a garden, but then begged Cauis and I to get her a greenhouse so she could plant all year round after winter hit and killed everything. She actually got on her knees to ask, which was hilarious because we would have gotten it for her without the theatrics. Flowers seem to have brought her back to life. And anything that helps Hope, helps all of us. In secret, we've been practicing our magic, and Hope has become just as powerful as me. She's able to do anything she sets her mind to.

Nikiya gave birth to a boy on September 23rd, and they named him Gavin. It's so adorable seeing Valerio and him together. Valerio will put the now six month old in his lap, and hold him while he watches cartoons. For only being just over two, Valerio is huge. His growth is somewhat alarming. He's as big as a five year old, and doesn't seem to be slowing down. He's been like this ever since he was born. Cauis and I don't know what to make of it either. Ronald has given him his normal check ups, but doesn't see anything abnormal about him. It's like his growth is normal, but we all know it's not. His mental capabilities are advanced as well. He doesn't talk like a two year old should. His sentences are full and he articulates well beyond his age.

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now