Chapter Thirty-Five

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Under the Blood Moon



Valerio, can you hear me? I ask him coming down to lay in front of him. Son?

He spins around in a circle, and loses his footing. Esmerelda steps forwards, and kneels in front of him. She moves Aemilia on her hip, and reaches a hand out to Valerio. I come back up, staying seated, as Esmerelda grabs under his snout, and tilts his head back so he's looking up at her. Valerio brings his paws up underneath him, and pushes himself up. "You're so beautiful, little one." Esmerelda whispers to him.

Valerio yaps, and licks the side of her face, making Esmerelda giggle. Valerio? I call to him again. Being my son, we should be able to communicate in wolf form. He'll need to join the pack in order to hear anyone other than Esmerelda and I while we're like this. Son, can you hear me?

Valerio turns his head to me, and yaps again. He moves away from Esmerelda, and comes up to me. He tucks his body into my chest, peering up at me. Valerio yaps again, and tilts his head to one side.

Can you hear me? I ask him again. He yaps, and his tongue falls out of his mouth with a goofy grin on his face. You just need to think whatever it is you're wanting to say. Give it a try. I explain to him.

Daddy? I hear his high voice echo in my head after a minute.

I bring one of my paws up, and wrap it around him. I'm here buddy. Are you okay?

Valerio looks down at himself, and then brings his head back up. I thought you said shifting for the first time would hurt?

I cock my head to one side, and look up to Septimus. I've never heard of a wolf shifting for the first time, and it not hurting them. Shifting didn't hurt him. I tell Septimus, and then look back down at my son. Shifting didn't hurt you at all? I ask him confused.

Valerio shakes his head back and forth, and then smiles at me. I didn't feel any pain. He answers me, the pride in his thoughts matching exactly what I'm feeling.

It is rather odd he felt no pain, but then again, he is half warlock, so maybe that has something to do it with? I honestly have no idea what could cause this. The fact that he didn't feel any pain makes me even prouder of him. I'm so proud of you, Valerio. You wanna walk around, get your footing?

Valerio stands, wobbles, and moves away from me. I explain to Esmerelda he felt no pain, which visibly makes her relax. Septimus and I will look into it later, but I doubt we'll find anything. There's no amount of research we could do for a lycanthrope-warlock five year old. There's never been one before. Valerio starts jumping around, making Cyrus and Esmerelda laugh at him. He barks, and continues to move around between us all.

How do you feel? I ask him after a few minutes.

Valerio looks down at his paws after he turns to me, and then looks back up at me. My wolf, he starts, he wants something.

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora