Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Under the Blood Moon


I pull up outside the mansion, dreading what's going happen next. I do believe Cyrus should know what happened to our people throughout time, but I also know that it will crush him. He has embraced this time, more so than I thought he would, and I don't want that to change. He still sees the world for what it was. He doesn't know about all the horrors the world has endured, and not just witches. All of humanity has suffered gravely over the years. From Genghis Khan, to Ivan the Terrible and Gilles de Rais, the whole world has seen it's fair share of horrible people.

I sigh deeply as I shut off the engine, and then slowly make my way inside. I walk through the maze of hallways, my steps becoming smaller and slower as I come to my mentor's room. I take a deep breath as I look at his door. If I can systematically take out people who haven't even hurt me personally, I can tell him about what really became of the world.

With that in mind, I lift my chin, and knock on the door. Through the door, I hear him tell me to enter. "Ah, Esmerelda!" He greets me, smiling as he stands from the chair at his desk.

"Good morning, Cyrus." I reply. "Do you plan on going on your walk today?" Nearly every day, Cyrus will take a walk with someone. I know he loves the openness of the Canadian wilderness. It makes him feel more at home. His walks normally last the whole day, but I'm not sure if he went yesterday or not.

He smiles, and shakes his head. "Not today." He grimaces. "Not after seeing that bear. I think I've had enough of aimlessly walking around."

I smile at him while I shut the door. "I have a question for you, and I would like you to hear me out first. Can you do that?"

Cyrus motions to the bench at the foot of his bed, and sits back down in his desk chair. "By all means."

I swallow and sit down. "As you know, my reincarnation spell put us inside the bodies of other people," I begin. "Some of the lives we lived through were nice. My last two lives were decent ones, higher members of society and whatnot. Some, however, were horrible. Just awful."

I take a deep breath, and let it out calmly. "One of mine was in the year 1267." I continue. "It was of a little girl, named Kalli. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father eventually drank himself to death when she was nine. She spent the next two years living on her own. Back in that time, there wasn't really anywhere for destituted children to go, not really anyone. Unless you had family that you could count on to take you in. When her father died, Kalli had already started showing signs of witchcraft. She didn't have control of it, so she went deep into the Russian mountains. Since she was so young, she didn't know how to survive on her own.

"She eventually came down from the mountain. It had been two years, and she was nearly starving to death. She went into a village and tried to steal some bread. The shop keeper saw her, and chased after her. Since she still didn't know how to really use her powers, she ended up attacking him. Kalli was able to get away, but the baker lived. The villagers gathered together, and hunted her. She was found two days later, and was burned tied to a stake."

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now